Parents - how do you keep the heck away from your kids snack

This is week one for me. I've lost 4 lbs and it helps. But sometimes it's really, really hard to not nibble as I get him a snack or make him dinner. Sometimes, because of my diet, we don't eat the same foods. I don't mind making separate meals if he won't eat what's on my dinner menu for the evening.

However, this is usually my biggest challenge. While he really doesn't eat a lot of junk food, he's a kid and I don't want to deprive him of the good ol' childhood snacks. He likes his apples, grapes, watermelon's etc. But he also occasionally likes fruit snacks, cookies, and certain sugary cereals.

I just watched him eat some fruit snacks and MAN was it hard. But I held back.

Anyone else have a hard time saying NO to the kiddie snacks? Or even nibbling as you make their meals?


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    I don't have those foods in my house. But if I did, my tastes have changed, I just don't like them anymore. Perhaps after time you won't want them if you can avoid them now.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I demand payment of one chip if I open a bag for the children. I get them Pom Bears as they are low in salt and calories (my 4 year old only has one kidney so needs to watch his salt intake). It satisfies my chip obsession, but doesn't add anything significant to my diary.

    I don't like cakes or biscuits so I don't bother buying them for the children either. They do get given chocolate for Easter and Christmas, which I keep in a specific cupboard, but again, I don't like it, so it's not an issue. They still have chocolate from Easter in there.

    When they have ice creams I have a mini twister - 45 cals, made of fruit juice.
  • evansproudmama
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.

    This!! When I first started I had the same problem as you however than I realiazed if Im not gonna eat it why the heck would I feed my three year old it? I dont want him to struggle like I did and kids now a days are alot meaner so I dont ever want him to have that hurt and pain of being teased or having health problems. We just need to teach are kids the good habits of eating healthy and being active now dont get me wrong I still give him treats but for the most part he eats what mom eats.. You do the shopping lady be impowered to save your family from a unhealthy lifestyle!! Hugz
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! When I am making my son a grilled cheese or something I tend to cut off the crust and I am soo tempted to just take one nibble!!!!! I kills me to not do it. we have fruit snacks in the house as well as some other bad treats I am usually good at not touching those but it kills me not too. I just tell myself NOPE dont do it! Do not do it at all!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    It is hard!!!! Eventually you get used to not having it though and when you give in to that sugary lil' snack it will be disgusting to you and make you feel like crap for eating it. It just takes some getting used too.

    Cute pic too. My son is obsessed w/ WWE! :)
  • AmyJo54915
    Fruit snacks are my weakness, but I found some at Aldi for people like us at 45 cal per pouch ;-)
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.

    I'm going to keep this mindset as well... I'd like my kid to indulge once in a while, but having them get as big as I did as a kid... I wouldn't want them to feel like I did growing up!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.

    This!! When I first started I had the same problem as you however than I realiazed if Im not gonna eat it why the heck would I feed my three year old it? I dont want him to struggle like I did and kids now a days are alot meaner so I dont ever want him to have that hurt and pain of being teased or having health problems. We just need to teach are kids the good habits of eating healthy and being active now dont get me wrong I still give him treats but for the most part he eats what mom eats.. You do the shopping lady be impowered to save your family from a unhealthy lifestyle!! Hugz

    I guess I think a bit differently. Moderation is KEY! I don't take him out for fast food very often. He doesn't get cookies or junk food often. As I said, most of the time he prefers apples, grapes, watermelon, string cheese, granola bars, etc. But once in a while, because I don't do it often, I'll go ahead and get him some treats. He doesn't get sugary juices, he's more of a milk-aholic or asks for water. If I offer him watermelon or carrots vs a cookie or granola bar. He'll probably choose the fruit/veggies. So I must be doing something right.

    It's just hard for me at times to not pick at his food. Hopefully over time it'll get easier for me....
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.

    This!! When I first started I had the same problem as you however than I realiazed if Im not gonna eat it why the heck would I feed my three year old it? I dont want him to struggle like I did and kids now a days are alot meaner so I dont ever want him to have that hurt and pain of being teased or having health problems. We just need to teach are kids the good habits of eating healthy and being active now dont get me wrong I still give him treats but for the most part he eats what mom eats.. You do the shopping lady be impowered to save your family from a unhealthy lifestyle!! Hugz

  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    This blog reminded me about the cookies in the microwave...yes tough. Of course I just ate 1 ....but I keep it in moderation and tomorrow is a 2 hour gym day.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    like you said, they are kids, and i wont deprive them of snacks..unless they ask for it, i wont make them eat only healthy snacks, tho they do sometimes..but to answer, no it has gotten easier over time..very rarely do i snack, but for the most part, i find it fairly easy to keep not worried about my kids being overweight in the future kids are pretty active, so they are healthy for their age
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member

    Cute pic too. My son is obsessed w/ WWE! :)

    Thanks! We got free tickets to go to Extreme Rules when they came to our area. I swear, that was THE best thing ever in the entire world to see his face light up when he walked in there and saw the ring! LOL.

    I confess...I hated WWE. Then my son got me into it. We don't watch all the time, but I have my favorites! :)
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    When your little guy become 6'3" and a human eating machine you won't have that problem as much! Or when your two girls start PMSing...I'm lucky to get a bite!

    But on the other hand, that time of month comes and I'm shopping for my cravings! So it's the only time I buy it, I open it, eat my little portion, then leave it open on the kitchen table, it evaporates instantly! ;-)

    All I have to do to ward off a craving many times though is go get my phone and bring up my MFP app and type the snack in, as small as it is. If I do follow through I usually eat less than I would have had I not checked the calories. Or I check the calories in one serving on the package and try to eat half.

    It's mainly creating new habits and breaking the old one. I never taste when making food.

    Good luck!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    It took a while, but I found over time I just didn't want them any more. In the beginning, it's shear will power and it's hard. We do have snacks for the kids because I would rather teach them moderation than it's something they can't/shouldn't have. We're not always going to be around to monitor what they are eating so they are going to need to self-monitor. We have snacks such as graham crackers, club crackers, fiber one bars, fruit cups, fruit snacks, yogurt. Also, I tend to plan out my day in advance so I know how many calories I plan on having and if there is room in my day, I just might grab a cracker or two, then log it.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.
    ^^^ This
  • Biancalee76
    I make my husband do my cooking taste testing. My kids do get some snack stuff, like fruit snacks or mini rice crispie bars, but nothing too crazy. I do keep a stash of mini peanut butter cups for them as little special snacks.
  • FitnessDoll87
    FitnessDoll87 Posts: 45 Member
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.

    This!! When I first started I had the same problem as you however than I realiazed if Im not gonna eat it why the heck would I feed my three year old it? I dont want him to struggle like I did and kids now a days are alot meaner so I dont ever want him to have that hurt and pain of being teased or having health problems. We just need to teach are kids the good habits of eating healthy and being active now dont get me wrong I still give him treats but for the most part he eats what mom eats.. You do the shopping lady be impowered to save your family from a unhealthy lifestyle!! Hugz

    First of all I don't have I don't personally don't know your struggles. But I completely agree with the ladies above. When and if I have children I plan to have them eat healthy. Just because they're kids doesn't mean they get fun "kid" diets. No matter how much your kid cries and yells for a happy meal, chips, cookies, or whatever...DON'T give it to them...just like you shouldn't give in to the inner child inside you yelling and screaming for the exact same things....

    I'm sure it's easier said and done, but I'm sure they'll thank you in the end for it.

    Just don't be a Nazi about it....a family cheat day should be allowed here and there...

    I hate when I see bratty kids get their I was at Starbucks and some toddler in a STROLLER was crying out because he wanted Mommies frappuccino...and she just gave it to him...just to shut him up....


    That's just building bad habits in so many ways...

    Either way...I think the best way to avoid u snacking on things is to slowly get them off of it as well...don't have them in the house and have planed cheat days for all of you.

  • granolagrl85
    ^ WSS...if it's not healthy for me to eat, it's not healthy for her to eat. I've always fed her way better than myself but it's time to love myself too.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    No. I don't want that in my house, or in their diets. So I don't buy sugar treats. If my kids eat the way I do, they won't have to discover MFP when they're 30 like me.

    This!! When I first started I had the same problem as you however than I realiazed if Im not gonna eat it why the heck would I feed my three year old it? I dont want him to struggle like I did and kids now a days are alot meaner so I dont ever want him to have that hurt and pain of being teased or having health problems. We just need to teach are kids the good habits of eating healthy and being active now dont get me wrong I still give him treats but for the most part he eats what mom eats.. You do the shopping lady be impowered to save your family from a unhealthy lifestyle!! Hugz

    I guess I think a bit differently. Moderation is KEY! I don't take him out for fast food very often. He doesn't get cookies or junk food often. As I said, most of the time he prefers apples, grapes, watermelon, string cheese, granola bars, etc. But once in a while, because I don't do it often, I'll go ahead and get him some treats. He doesn't get sugary juices, he's more of a milk-aholic or asks for water. If I offer him watermelon or carrots vs a cookie or granola bar. He'll probably choose the fruit/veggies. So I must be doing something right.

    It's just hard for me at times to not pick at his food. Hopefully over time it'll get easier for me....

    This is how I think, too. I'm okay with my kids and I having a treat now and again, and I use my own discipline to teach my kids (ages 4 and 7) moderation as well. We are all allowed 1 sugar thing a day, myself included. We really, fully enjoy it, and we can only eat it AFTER we eat healthy foods. I find that this teaches them to pay attention to what they put in their bodies and still make room for indulgences in ways that won't compromise their health. Also, eating healthy foods first seems to alter how they digest the sugar, and we don't get sugar crazies that way. Another idea, I've discovered that the sugary cereals in the morning lead to grumpy days, and have since replaced that with protein in the morning. Eggs, bacon, ham, or smoked salmon (which both kids love!?) though not all at once, of course.

    Good luck on your journey!!! You are off to a great start, and identifying your challenges like this is great. Good work!