Nighttime snacking

Anyone have any good solutions for evening snacking? I do great all day long until I wind down and sit to watch TV. Seems I can't resist the urge to snack and end up exceeding my calories for the day after doing great all day.Help!


  • beautyreaps
    If you're watching television, then I wouldn't suggest you snack. Simply because it doesn't matter what you eat, you'll end up over doing it, since you're not paying attention to what you're consuming. Instead, chew a flavored gum or sip on some tea (the heat will force you to consume it slowly).

    Now, if you're hungry later and aren't watching television, then I'd recommend food that's low in glycemic levels. Foods like: Apples, Grapefruit, Soy Beans, Lentils, Sugar Snap Peas and other high fiber foods. The point is to eat something high in fiber with low glycemic levels (which usually trigger you to feel hungry at night - due to high insulin levels)
  • rn513
    rn513 Posts: 7
    I do cross stitch at night when watching TV sometimes; keeps me from snacking....if I eat, I get food stains on my handiwork as well as unwanted calories in my mouth:)
  • StatutoryGrape
    I cross-stitch, play with the cat, write down new recipes...anything to keep my hands busy and away from my mouth! If I MUST have something, I have a couple of those Halls Defense drops. They're high in vitamin C and only have about 15 calories, so they're not as bad as having chips or something.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    last night, i was wanting to snack SO BAD. it was killing me! i was in the pantry, the refrigerator, just looking and literally jumping up & down with anxiety. i started asking myself, WHY do you want a snack? i drank a full glass of water and said outloud, "you are NOT hungry, you JUST had dinner, you only want to eat out of ___________ (fill in with boredom, anxiety, stress, etc.)" and i went to bed & watched a nice movie and relaxed. the craving simply went away! i know i saved at least 200 calories or more by skipping that snack. i woke up this morning to weigh-in and i had lost another pound! made me feel AWESOME about my choice last night! :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Anyone have any good solutions for evening snacking? I do great all day long until I wind down and sit to watch TV. Seems I can't resist the urge to snack and end up exceeding my calories for the day after doing great all day.Help!
    Eat less calories during the day to save them for snacking.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dicove
    dicove Posts: 36
    I have a veggie tray made up in the fridge with some lo cal fat free dip. It fills you up fast so you will not consume the entire tray but its a healthy substitute to a bag of chips. You may also want to try to get the 100 cal snack bags of popcorn . Whatever you choose best of luck to you !
  • vcreinert
    What we eat and when we eat is out of habit. You need to break the habit of snacking at night. Find something else to do or just put your will power to it and don't snack and break the habit.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I just eat smaller meals during the day and intentionally save the bulk of my cals for supper time and later, eating later at night is not detrimental to fat loss depsite what many ppl will say. It has been scientifically proven that eating later at night may result in slower scale weight loss but the plus side is that less of that scale loss is muscle and more of it is fat. Eating later in the day is actually beneficial to us for fat loss.