Vitamins & Supplements you MUST have.



  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Fish oil
    Vitamin D (5000)
    Green tea
    Liquid multi (not daily)
    Mushroom vcap
    An elixir I make: Bragg's raw apple cider vinegar, raw garlic and raw honey
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I take multi vitamins
    High strength fish oil
    flaxseed oil
    Vitamin B

    I dont bother with Vitamin D as I run in the sun and should be getting more than enough directly from the sun
  • missfluffyuk
    I take an iron supplement around TOM, the one I take includes some vitamin C to help it get absorbed. When I get tired/stressed I take a lysine supplement (to help prevent cold sores) and I take a vitamin C powder if I start to get a cold, just to help move it along.

    I don't believe in mulitvitamins -- according to my doctor, they don't contain nearly enough to be effective. You're better off finding out what you're deficient in and taking something specifically for that.
  • Scoobies100
    I'm really bad at remembering to take tablets. I have been told by my doctor that I should be taking Calcium and vit D for my bones but I forget nearly every day. :blushing:
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I agree with what a few people have already said i.e. you'll get it all from a well balanced diet but i still take a multivit everyday just an off the shelf one if anything its psychological as well as physical help if docs dont put stock in the content.

    I suck on my spoon all day though to get my iron......

    Nah im j/k :p
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    i am taking a fat metabolizer that i saw in my local health shop, i just thought i'd try it

    What's the fat metabolizer called? Is it a herbal supplement?

    I was told that when you're on a calorie deficit regimen you should include a supplement to keep your metabolism humming; which I don't really believe is necessary. So long as you're not in starvation of any sort. The supplement suggested is called, Nettle. Does anyone know anything about it? Apparently it has Vtiamin A, C and D in it, so it has other benefits.

    oh yeah sorry, i got it from holland and barrett and its called metaboliser lol i believe i have a pretty slow metabolism so im just seeing if it helps me in any way
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I take a daily multi-vitamin (well I just started again I tend to forget)

    The problem is pills (vitamins and birth control) make me feel really sick without food. I take my bc at night but I heard vitamins are better in the morning so I'm going to have to start bringing them to work to have with breakfast... otherwise I feel awful on the way to work.
  • raychill007
    raychill007 Posts: 55 Member
    daily vit.
    fish oil
    vit. C
    gluco...i swear by this...i had runner's knee and other joint issues. since taking i now run my 25miles per week without anymore pain what so ever!

    Is Gluco short for something? Is it available in any healthcare shop? I certainly don't run as much as you do - haha, actually I probably do because my 15KM probably takes as long as your 25 miles ;) - but I get sore ankles, so that might be something I could try..

    At the moment, I take:
    - a multi vitiman
    - vit C
    - evening primrose oil
    - aloe vera

    I feel like the first three are all very useful, but the aloe I'm only taking because I bought it on a whim a couple of months ago and there are 90 tabs... it can't be doing any harm!
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    flax seed oil pill with 550mg of ala 3x/d
    sublingual B complex
    'cranberry with vit c
    COQ10 with red yeast rice
  • sw33tn3ss07
    I take biotin for my hair, Vitamin C and a multivitamin.. I think this helps me a lot!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I try to make sure I get balanced nutrition, but as a back-up I take:
    - a multi with iron, D, and B12 (I eat no meat, and few animal products, so this is hard to get B12 from my diet)
    - an amino acid supplement
    - I consume pea and brown rice protein powder - which might be considered a supplement
    - As a bit of a personal experiment I'm taking CLA right now, because some (published, peer reviewed) research shows it can help preserve muscle during fat loss, especially in physically active people.
    - I will soon be adding co-q10 to help with some other health problems I have.

    I eat whole chia and flax seeds for omega 3 fatty acids. In the past I tried a vegan omega-3 supplement that was processed to mimic fish oil, but I really didn't notice much difference and it was expensive, so I quit taking it.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    I take:
    Women's Multi (with iron and calcium)
    B Complex
    Trader Joe's Greens Supplement
  • lacharp
    lacharp Posts: 66
    I take...
    -Vitamin D (I tested vit. d deficient)
    -Fish Oil (to boost good cholesterol per my doctor)
    -Centrum Women's One a Day
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    I take a multivitamin (even though it makes my stomach hurt most days temporarily:-/)
    Cranberry (I get UTIs like its my job)
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    daily vit.
    fish oil
    vit. C
    gluco...i swear by this...i had runner's knee and other joint issues. since taking i now run my 25miles per week without anymore pain what so ever!

    Is Gluco short for something? Is it available in any healthcare shop? I certainly don't run as much as you do - haha, actually I probably do because my 15KM probably takes as long as your 25 miles ;) - but I get sore ankles, so that might be something I could try..

    Pretty sure he means Glucosamine! The bottle I have here is Vitamin Shoppe brand so I guess you can get it there! My dad had like five huge bottles so he gave one to me.
  • batesss
    batesss Posts: 24
    I take a prenatal (covers the hair/skin/nails and multi in one shot), sometimes I take some b-complex and sometimes I take extra fiber if I'm light on it but if I take it all the time by GI tract goes nuts, absolutely freakin' nuts.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    Women's formula multi vit, Fish oil, prescription vit D (mine has been low for about 2 years)
  • VeggieFace
    I don't take any, I probably should. When I was vegan i used to take vitamin B12 supplement, but now that I do eat dairy and eggs I don't need it anymore. I do have a multivitamin that i always forget to take... I will go take it right now :)
  • teresabreeding
    teresabreeding Posts: 20 Member
    Tell me about this gluco please. How does it help your knees? I don't know what runners knees are (I don't run) but a year ago I moved into a house with stairs (10 inch steps when regulation is 7 inch) and I have recently developed pain and weakness in my knees. Haven't been to doctor though.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My doctor took me off my multi-vitamin because it can interfere with prescription medication and is not very effective.