Fish out of water

I'm very new to this, I've been reading loads of the posts & I'm so encouraged by how many people are in the same boat, I really love all the support people give & receive. I work away a lot so eating well & staying off the booze is going to be a major issue for me so any support I can get would be really appreciated.
I'm trying to lose weight to stop feeling like Ive been run over every morning, I want to be able to keep up with my two kids & have the energy to do more things with them & set a good example.
I'm also trying to cut out drinking which frankly was becoming an issue. I couldnt believe I've topped 18stone! been using the iphone app for 6days (New Years Resolution) and I'm determined 2012 Im gonna be in the best shape since I was 20,

Goodluck everybody & Please add me as friend if you want :-) x

Thanks Jammyget (Steve)


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Congratulations on your decision to get healthy! Good luck! I will send you a friend request!
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I will support you in any way I can. You are taking the necessary first steps! We're all in this together.
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    I'm the same way... I broke my phone and when the new one came in I had to reload all my apps. This, and workout apps was on the front page. Even my phone called me fat. I loaded it but didn't decided to actually do it til New Years after seeing the pics where I looked pregnant in my gown, not happy. I travel with work and there's always alcohol on hand and not the healthiest of foods (usually fast food). Good luck with the drinking... I went sober of 3 years and gained more weight cause while they drank I ate. Find a way to staky occupied on nights drinking with friends. Good luck and hope I can be a good support for you.
  • juanitajohnston
    juanitajohnston Posts: 21 Member
    Good job! I absolutely LOVE my phone app, I was mainly using that and just started using the website. The support and encouragement on here is ace! Will send a request. :-) Juan