Can I REALLY do this?

Okay, so here is my story: I am 25 yrs old and I have two beautiful children. I am 5'8" and I weigh 220lbs, before I got pregnant with my first I think I was 138lbs. I was never really able to lose the weight, more or less just because I never put my mind to it> I'd try and then give up because simply it was to hard (or so I thought). Each year that goes by I seem to continue to get a little bigger. Now, I had a bunch of excuses that made me feel OKAY about my weight. One being that I have a fit husband that loves me and makes me feel good about myself regardless, two being that I am taller so I don't look "really" big, three being that I have hypothyroidism (born with it), so I have a slower metabolism, yada yada. Also my mom is heavy, so I guess I get to thank genetics for my weight as well as my lack of determination. Anyways, I'm DAY 5 into this whole healthy kick and I'm feeling really good, but is this any different than the other failed attempts? I mean, I feel like it is, I can feel it... At least I think I can. Can I really stick it out this time and finally lose the weight and be at a healthy weight again? Can I finally look at myself and feel like I'm not "FAT"? Can I finally fit in my old clothes again? Can I finally not be consumed by how heavy I am and when and what I am going to do to lose this weight? CAN I DO THIS??? I MEAN, REALLY DO THIS????? Oh and my goal weight is 155/160lbs. I have a medium-large bone build.


  • I think you can do anything you put your mind too. Sometimes I want to give up too because I want yo eat all the unhealthy good food and sometimes working out is hard and I feel like I want to give up but the best thing is. I DONT.

    It will definitely take time and effort. Blood sweat and tears but at the end it's all worth it!

    I think you can do it, but really only thing that matter is..YOU HAVE TO BE THE ONE TO SAY "I CAN" :)
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    You absolutely can do this :) The great thing about MFP is that it promotes slow weight loss, which means it'll be easier to stick with and easier to keep the weight off.

    I've never stuck with a "diet" long enough to lose much weight, and as soon as I go off I balloon right back up.. With MFP it's much more of a lifestyle change and I see it as something that I can definitely maintain.

    Look through the success stories too, those are awesome for motivation.
  • Of Course you can do it just think possitive you are the one who is in control of your mind and body. I'm not saying its going to be easy you just have to have your mind set on it. Put a picture of yourself on the fridge of a time when you looked and felt great maybe that will help. Good Luck from Big Bootie Judy
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    Only if you want to! ;)
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Like any other change in your lifestyle, this has to be YOUR choice. Nobody can tell you to do me I know...but if you want it YOU CAN DO IT!

    Take it a day at a time, and look at each pound lost as a battle won in the war to take control of your life.

    Good luck! :)