The real secret to weightloss...

I've had 322 calores today. I've had 7 shots of novacane and dental work done on 6 teeth giving me shots in both sides, upper and lower. I can't eat anything or I'm pretty sure I will eat my tongue with it. :noway: How bad does THIS SUCK? :sad:

Just wanted to get this off my chest. I look like a chipmunk...and I miss the feeling in my face. The first shot in the bottom, right didn't take...the next shot numbed the right side of my I can' t even feel my eyelid.


I am soooo hungry. I can't drink anything either.

Do you think this will give me good numbers on the scale tomorrow? lol.


  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    I've had 322 calores today. I've had 7 shots of novacane and dental work done on 6 teeth giving me shots in both sides, upper and lower. I can't eat anything or I'm pretty sure I will eat my tongue with it. :noway: How bad does THIS SUCK? :sad:

    Just wanted to get this off my chest. I look like a chipmunk...and I miss the feeling in my face. The first shot in the bottom, right didn't take...the next shot numbed the right side of my I can' t even feel my eyelid.


    I am soooo hungry. I can't drink anything either.

    Do you think this will give me good numbers on the scale tomorrow? lol.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I can empathize. I don't take to shots at all, so when I got my wisdom teeth out I got about 9 shots and STILL felt them yank out my bottom left tooth. I cried a lot and it was embarrassing. Then I passed out at Target and threw up all night from the percocet. The anti-emetic I had to take was in suppository form.

    I hate the dentist. :angry:
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    Oh my poor thing. They didn't knock you out for your wisdom teeth? I protest for you!
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I have a real phobia of needles. Like, I know it's irrational, I know I should get over it, but I cry EVERY time I get a shot - even a teeny TB test. Embarrassing, yes, but I can't help it.

    I'm lucky enough that I've never had a shot in my mouth. I feel very bad for you now. I requested that my dentist/oral surgeon put me completely under when I had my wisdom teeth pulled b/c I knew I couldn't handle a shot in my mouth. Even just for the sedative, I cried and they had to gas me first... It really is ridiculous how terrified I get. and I can say that - - - when there's not a needle in the room.

    We humans are complex creatures. Feel better soon!!! :flowerforyou:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Oh my poor thing. They didn't knock you out for your wisdom teeth? I protest for you!

    Well they offered to, but I couldn't afford the extra $200 :noway: for the gas. So I was fully awake and when the dentist first tried to pull that tooth out I about clawed through his arm LOL. He gave me another shot but didn't wait long enough so I still felt it, but he yanked pretty quick. It sounded gross too.

    What did you have to have done? Hopefully you got some good painkillers! :wink:
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I'm afraid of needles too. I don't get any painkillers for any filling or even when I had my root canal. It wasn't too bad. I luckily havn't had to have my wisdom teeth out. I guess i'm just not very wise yet.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Im completely immune to novacane (sp) had to learned the hard way- So to just give me fillings they have to put a nerve block in my jaw bone (which has me in pain for 3 weeks afterward- and to get teeth pulled I need to be gased-- and they wonder why I hate the dentist.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I remember when I was a teenager, I had my upper wisdom teeth pulled. The oral surgeon pulled out this ginormous needle and when he pushed the plunger, it squeeked the entire time. Just like a door that needs to be oiled. As if the big *kitten* needle wasn't scary enough!

    I hated that guy, because I had never even had to have a filling before that, and I was nervous/scared, and asked him what he was going to do. All he said was "Give you a shot, then pull the teeth." Ummmm, yeah, that's what I'm here for, but what exactly are you gonna do?!? I figure I got the dumb person answer because I was a teenager... One tooth loosened with a crack and came out ok, the other one didn't, and he had to chip it into pieces somehow... Ugh, it was awful!

    When I had my lower wisdom teeth out (about 8 or 9 years later), they (different oral surgeon) gave me this twilight sleep stuff... It was wonderful!
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    This is the best time for mashed potato's.
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    Okay - once again, you all have made me feel so much better....of course, now I will need therapy before going to the dentist again due to the horror stories...:wink: .

    It's funny, I'm more concerned with the fact that I'm not going to be able to eat (I can't swollow and it's been 3 hours).

    Hands down - you all have had it so much worse. Dentists suck.
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    When I was a teenager, every time my braces were tightened, I'd lose 5 pounds, because all I could eat for a few days was applesauce, pudding, soups, etc.

    Ah, the good ole days!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    WOW! I don't think I could do that awake!! I was def. knocked out for mine!!

    I woke up and all I wanted was a milkshake so my mom got me one. Totally didn't think about the fact that my lips were numb. It came drooooling out my mouth because I couldn't feel it. Awesome. :noway:
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    Ya have to love the drooling part. lol!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Yea I tried to eat some yogurt after I regained consciousness in the Target parking lot LOL. Luckily my boyfriend was there to scoop the yogurt back in my mouth like I was a baby or something :tongue: