So close to Goal but Crack at the end of the week!!

Hello All - i have to say this site is great.. i hope it can make me lose my final LBS to reach my goal! and maybe more : )

anyway.. i have one problem. And i am hoping that you have some ideas to break this terrible habit.

here is the deal. I watch what I eat Monday - Thursday. I do SOO Good.. But by Thursday Night I start to crack and that leads to me not worrying too much about what i eat. Does anyone else have this problem.. I Know this is what is keeping me from reaching my goal : (

hope to hear from all you good people !!!


  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello All - i have to say this site is great.. i hope it can make me lose my final LBS to reach my goal! and maybe more : )

    anyway.. i have one problem. And i am hoping that you have some ideas to break this terrible habit.

    here is the deal. I watch what I eat Monday - Thursday. I do SOO Good.. But by Thursday Night I start to crack and that leads to me not worrying too much about what i eat. Does anyone else have this problem.. I Know this is what is keeping me from reaching my goal : (

    hope to hear from all you good people !!!
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    I have the same problem and would love to have some help with it! Except I start to crack at the end of EVERY freaking day! I'm brilliant until i put my son to bed in the evenings, and then all hell breaks lose and i start thinking about food! Granola bars in particular! (i don't keep them in my house any more!) Then once i start thinking about it, it's only a matter of time before i start stuffing my face! HELP!
  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    at least Granola bars aren't so bad for u..: ) im gonna try planning my meals for thurs, fri, sat and sun and see how that works :)
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    True! It could be an entire bag of chips! Been there before! I just can't seem to stop at 1 bar! :ohwell: That's where the problem is!
    I usually plan my meals everyday and every day I tell myself that today I will stick with it to the bitter end... and i don't! Think i need some more discipline in my life! lol
  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    i know thats exactly what i need :( u can try to drink alot of water when u feel hungry.. thats helps at times. well hopefully someone will have some good ideas....