Newest Member Needs Friends for Motivation

Hi guys, i literally just joined a couple of minutes ago and i am loving this already. I would love to have friends on here as it helps keep my motivation just so i know i am not alone. Pls add me. Thanks


  • bghere
    bghere Posts: 42
    Hi abimpy, I am new on this program as well, although definitely not new to fitness, and weight loss. Somehow I just cant get it right, because I have to keep strting over and over..:smile: let me know how I can help out
  • TiasF
    TiasF Posts: 58 Member
    Hello you guys, I just signed up for this site today. I've tried a couple of other sites but i really like this one & think it'll be great. I can be a wonderful motivation (to everyone but myself lol) soo feel free to add me & i'll be sure to do the same :) have a blessed day!!