I'm Back... Sorta...

Because to be back I would have had to have actually been here before. I signed up in August 2011 & never logged back in. Silly I know. Nee years I decided that I was sick & tired of being tired, uncomfortable in my clothes, cranky all the time and chronic joint pain.

I have alwayysbheard how we react to things is a choice but never really believed it. But I made a choice to stop feeling / reacting negatively to things in my life that are not going as planned. That I was going to eat healthier, lose about 20lbs and get into shape to try to avoid the pain of the Osteoathritis in my hips & knees.

I have two kids, work full time during the day & coach preschool gymnastics twice a week. I always made the wxcuse that I didn't have time. Decided I just have to make time. So....... here I am. Day 4. I have started using our elliptical,only 15 min for now but it's a start. I have been under my calories the last 2 days & feel happier than I have in a long time.

Planning to stick it out this time.


  • AbimpyMoschino
    AbimpyMoschino Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome back hun.... I hope we keep you motivated enough to stay, add me up, i've only been a member for a couple of mins and i am loving it.
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    Im Christasia, got quite a bit of weight to lose. Doing the old plan of WW to get there!
  • newstar44
    newstar44 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi, I'm new too. Trying it with friends this time. Add me if you'd like, I'll send a friend request. Good luck to all of us!