Jealous of my husband

He eats the most fattening food - all day, everyday. He gorges on food. He stays the same weight. He never gains. He gets up at 5:30, goes to work and sits all day. He comes home at 3:30 and sits. He doesn't do anything at home. I get up at 5:00, make his lunch, race around cleaning before baby gets up, take care of baby, clean in every spare moment. It is 9:30 and this is the first time I have sat down all day. This is my daily routine - constantly moving. I was on Weight Watchers and have counted calories for years. I gain and gain. Why oh why can't I have his metabolism???? Sorry...just had to vent.


  • I've changed everything about what I eat and I exercise and haven't dropped a single pants size. My husband eats whatever he wants, drinks loads of sweet tea and he's already went down a pants size and he hasn't even exercised!!! I feel your frustration!
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    You will get there! My wife has been skinny for 20 years.... no complaints :-)
  • Life isn't fair. Sucks, sometimes, doesn't it?
  • mrsdauer
    mrsdauer Posts: 102
    before i joined MFP i also felt the same (somewhat)...after friends on here gave me pointers, i starting doing's a few tips:
    1) eat breakfast!
    2) drink water, lots of it
    3) STOP wearing those lounge pants, put jeans on, or tighter pants to "remind" you of your weight
    4) small portions, more meals (eat every 3 hours)

    its the little things you change that will make a difference....

    OH..and the biggest tip lately....
    WATCH THE SODIUM INTAKE (im still a work in prgress with this one!)

    dont focus so much on your husband, im assuming (which i probably shouldn't) that he is bigger than you in height, has more muscle, more strenous job (please dont be offended by that..i know us women work hard too), he needs more calories...and i think most men just have it in their genes that they can eat a whole pizza and burn it, or hide it better than is frustrating, but focus on YOU...

    good luck
  • MrsSYDL
    MrsSYDL Posts: 65 Member
    I know your pain!! My husband is the same way and because of that it is hard for him to understand my struggle!

    But don't focus on him focus on you and your goals. We can do this!