Totally Confused about cutting and bulking...

Ok, programs like P90x, I see people get results where they definitely build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Am I missing something here?

Can someone who has been bodybuilding for a while explain this to me?



  • chicklidell
    What is it you want to know? I'm not sure I follow. I don't do P90X nor would I, I lift heavy, do my cardio and eat clean, simple but it works. I don't need all the plyo that's done, I do think that if this system will make you workout or you will enjoy this type of workout, then definitely give it a go, but I do believe you can save your money and just hit the gym.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    To clarify, can I gain muscle while in a calorie deficit?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    To clarify, can I gain muscle while in a calorie deficit?

    Been brought up many times, recent one topic too actually, if you Search for couple keywords.
  • drivermarshy
    yes u can, im on a cal defisit (i eat 1600 cals a day) and on my last PT assesment had lost 3kg of fat, gained 2kg of lean muscle mass and lost 1kg overall. i eat a protein rich diet and i think thats the main factor along with hitting the weights :)