Has anyone tried heat training?

I tried looking this up, but you know how some people like to run in the heat, or pile on a whole lot of clothes when they exercise? I did hear that it helps lose weight, because it's making you sweat a lot more and heightens your heart rate. i know you have to drink a looooot of water though, and take in the salt you're losing. But have any of you tried this method and seen it work? I also saw special suits made that reflect body heat.


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It doesn't do anything except raise your risk of suffering an adverse event due to dehydration and it is most likely you will end up doing a crappy workout and burning FEWER calories because your increased body temperature will lower the quality and/or duration of your workout.

    Sweating has nothing to do with losing weight. Nothing, Zero. Nada. It doesn't increase your rate of burning calories.

    The whole "wearing sweat clothes while you work out" idea was debunked at least 25 years ago.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    You'd lose more weight doing the opposite--working out in a cold environment, since your body has to work harder to stay warm. A calorie is a unit of heat. The body has to burn calories to stay warm. If you sit in a cold room you will burn more calories than you would in a comfortably warm room.

    And, yeah...forcing oneself to overheat is asking for trouble. Heatstroke and dehydration can be deadly. Losing water weight is not losing weight. Once a person rehydrates the "weight" will return, as it should.