Another Newbie looking for long-term friends and support!


I'm Irene from Santa Fe, NM. I married my husband 6.5.10 and got pregnant 2 months later. I shot up to 200 pounds when my son Jackson was born 5.9.2011 (I'm 5'3!!) I am now around 170ish pounds and looking to loose another 30. I have never counted calories before and to be completely honest, have no idea what I'm doing! I def need to start eating better and cut out sodas for good!

I look forward to meeting new friends :) Please feel free to add me

Oh, and the worst part is my husband is one of those people who are super skinny and stay skinny no matter what he eats!! grr


  • Bxwarren13
    Bxwarren13 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! Our height and weight are completely different but everything else is spot on. My husband eats everything under the sun bad for you and is in perfect shape. He's military and get's his *kitten* kicked every morning so he takes full advantage of that. When I got pregnant I shot up to 260! 220 after he was born, and finally down to 187 a year later. :)
  • MrFatLegs
    MrFatLegs Posts: 149 Member
    I added you! i hate natural skinny people :mad: , well not really. just make healthy meals and put gravy on his :wink:
  • hadlam
    hadlam Posts: 90
    Heya welcome to MFP, good luck on your journey. This site is awesome! Good luck and add me if u like. I'm in NZ :)
  • Hi Irene!

    My name is Shannon. I am a stay at home mom and also new to myfitnesspal. I have two little boys ages 2 and 4 and after my second son was born, the weight didn't go away :( I have had enough of being the overweight mommy and have decided to start taking care of myself for a change. I joined on Wednesday and already I am so much more aware of what I am eating, so hopefully with me tracking my food and calorie intake, I will be successful at losing weight...hopefully for good! :)

    I had to laugh when I saw your comment about your husband. My husband is the same!! He is 6'2" and weighs 175. In the summer months he actually has to weigh himself each night when he comes home from work to make sure he isn't losing any, how unfair is that! :) It seriously sucks weighing more than your husband. Hopefully that won't be for much longer :)
  • Hey we are the same height! Go 5'3" people!
  • IreneAvard
    IreneAvard Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Irene!

    My name is Shannon. I am a stay at home mom and also new to myfitnesspal. I have two little boys ages 2 and 4 and after my second son was born, the weight didn't go away :( I have had enough of being the overweight mommy and have decided to start taking care of myself for a change. I joined on Wednesday and already I am so much more aware of what I am eating, so hopefully with me tracking my food and calorie intake, I will be successful at losing weight...hopefully for good! :)

    I had to laugh when I saw your comment about your husband. My husband is the same!! He is 6'2" and weighs 175. In the summer months he actually has to weigh himself each night when he comes home from work to make sure he isn't losing any, how unfair is that! :) It seriously sucks weighing more than your husband. Hopefully that won't be for much longer :)

    Right? My husband is 6'3 and I always say we look like the perfect "10" LOL