Help! I am gaining, what am I doing wrong?



  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you, that helps a lot. I am going to stop the Slim Fast or at least switch to just drinking it in the morning. It will be hard to eat so much now after I have adjusted o the Slim Fast. I am usually not very hungry during the day. LorinaLynn your results are amazing, congratulations!
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Have you pooped lately? 'Cause that can cause an increase. The food you eat still can cause a small change and if you aren't having a regular movement.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I walk on my treadmill with a 10-15% incline for 10-15 minutes each day. Sometimes I ride my exercise bike or do Just Sweat 2. I am starting slower on the exercise because of my health issues. My goal is 200 calories burned because I know I will be able to walk the next day at that level. My fibromyalgia causes a lot of pain and stiffness. Should my calorie goal be to try to be even with what mfp says is my calories remaining after I put in my exercise?

    Thank you,
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Ok, I just saw your diary! Now it makes sense! When you are eating only 1200 calories a day it is vital that those calories be nutritional so your body can fuel itsself and work at its best. Most of your diet contains sugar and processed food with preservatives! Though you may still lose weight this way, you are not going to be healthy and you will not have as much energy for exercise and will feel like crap when the sugar rush wares off! Try changing out your breakfast sf for the homemade fruit smoothie, lunch for some nuts, veggies, or deli sandwhich in non bleach whole grain bread or a wheat wrap. Dinner should have protein, and veggies for sure with starchs your smallest portion. Your diary looks identical to mine when I started 2 1/2 months ago except I drank a lot of soda too and not slim fast. Step one is cutting out the fast food. Step two, cut out sugary breads and pasta, maybe try a gluten free bread if you don't like wheat, (gluten free tastes just very close to white bread. Trust me, im a picky eater!) And try really reall hard to add supplements if you don't like vegetables. Once you add them into your diet you can stop taking the supplements, but for now, try it! You will go through a detox and withdrawl phase from losing the sugar, but after you get throug that, you will fell better and have more energy! Do you get winded fast and have headaches? I did a lot before I cut out the high sugar foods! Now I don't even crave them anymore! And pizza and olive gardens alfredo pasta were my main meals! Lol. If I can do it, anyone can!
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you so much! I am going to try to find a healthier balance. My problem will be mostly with fruits. I hate all fruits. I have tried many times to make myself eat them but I just them all disgusting. Thanks for all your wonderful suggestions. I will try the gluten free bread.

  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with what others have said ditch the slim fast,

    But also you have only been on the diet for a little over a week, when I started I lost several pounds then the next week part of it came back, things seem to have regulated a bit and I an going back to loosing more I think my body was questioning what I was doing with all the changes that second week ya know, hang in there I think you will see more consistent results the longer you are watching your calories.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you, that makes me feel a lot better! :smile: I never looked at it like that. You are so right! It is a big change for my body.

  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Fibromyalgia is a tough disease when you are trying to move and stay healthy. Our water aerobics instructor has it bad where her fingers sometime arc and it hurts her to move them. I asked her how she does it and her reply was that she has to or shed be way worse. Water Aerobics was the only thing she could do so kuddos on doing the treadmill and trying to get healthy! Have you tried water aerobics? It can burn more calories then walking since you use all muscles groups and its easier on your joints! The sugar and preservatives in processed food can damage your nerves even worse!!!! So you more then anyone definetely needs to change your eating habits stat! Have you seen a naturopath before? They can really help you find some good supplements and a good eating strategy to help your nerve pain! I am seeing one right now. I made fun of my friend for going because I thought it was way out there but sure enough, here I am testifying that it works and I am so glad I made the change! Its gonna be a struggle for you every day, but I promise if you are ready for the change, you will feel so much better in the long run, have more energy, and your pain will decrease as your body can repair some of the damage that has been done!
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I have never tried water aerobics. My doctors have recommended it but I can't afford it. The only place I could find that does it fairly close by charges $97 a month. I have also been restricted from driving because of my arm. I will check into seeing a naturopath. I think if I can get started it will help my pain levels in the end. I think I need to work on my diet more than anything. Thank you!

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member

    Is there any chance you could be pregnate?

    Did you just say pregNATE?
  • Dashal
    Dashal Posts: 13
    Ajbeans - Actually your assertion that you cannot build muscle on a calorie deficit diet is wrong. My experience has shown me you can.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Sorry, you guys are right about the muscle gain on a caloric deficit. I should have said it's not likely, especially if she's not doing strength training, and it wouldn't have happened in such a short time period. My only defense is that I had just woken up. Thanks for correcting me. :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Thank you so much! I am going to try to find a healthier balance. My problem will be mostly with fruits. I hate all fruits. I have tried many times to make myself eat them but I just them all disgusting. Thanks for all your wonderful suggestions. I will try the gluten free bread.


    have you tried them dried?
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member

    I don't claim to be an expert however I know that protein intake may have an affect. Protein builds muscle mass when working out. I would suggest looking up the minimal daily consumption of protein. Hope this helps. Don't get discouraged, your doing great!


    This is incorrect. You cannot build muscle mass on a calorie deficit, regardless of how much protein you eat. Eating less protein will lead to muscle loss, which will cause you to look less toned as you reach your goal weight.

    Where did my biceps come from then??
  • samilynn005
    samilynn005 Posts: 42 Member
    slim fast is not good for you, there is A TON of sugar in them
  • It's probably because you're on a fad diet. These diets aren't good and you'll eventually gain all of weight back. Sorry, but you should try eating real food.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    I don't claim to be an expert however I know that protein intake may have an affect. Protein builds muscle mass when working out. I would suggest looking up the minimal daily consumption of protein. Hope this helps. Don't get discouraged, your doing great!


    This is incorrect. You cannot build muscle mass on a calorie deficit, regardless of how much protein you eat. Eating less protein will lead to muscle loss, which will cause you to look less toned as you reach your goal weight.

    Where did my biceps come from then??

    Fat loss can give the appearance of muscle gain when in fact you are just revealing the muscles you already had. You can also get significantly stronger on a deficit without building much if any muscle, also making you think you must have gained some.

    I'm not saying its impossible to gain muscle on a deficit. There are two things that usually mean you can:
    1) You are obese
    2) You are new to lifting

    If you are neither your chances of building muscle on a deficit are very very small. You can however, maintain the muscle you have by strength training and getting adequate protein. (Without some form of resistance work, a lot of people lose muscle mass while on a deficit)
  • velloxal
    velloxal Posts: 78 Member
    You will NEVER lose any weight permanently on Slim Fast. Start your food diary and write EVERYTHING you eat. Slowly you will learn how to keep your daily calories. Check others diaries as well for inspiration. Start exercise and slowly build your strength. Firstly you will have almost heart attack when you start, but everything will be easier day by day. There are so many successful people on this site reach for their help as well.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member

    I don't claim to be an expert however I know that protein intake may have an affect. Protein builds muscle mass when working out. I would suggest looking up the minimal daily consumption of protein. Hope this helps. Don't get discouraged, your doing great!


    This is incorrect. You cannot build muscle mass on a calorie deficit, regardless of how much protein you eat. Eating less protein will lead to muscle loss, which will cause you to look less toned as you reach your goal weight.
    Your statement claiming that one cannot build muscle mass while on a caloric deficit, regardless of protein intake, is incorrect.
    On the other hand, you are correct in saying that eating less protein may lead to muscle loss.

    Now, I will say that it is extremely difficult to build muscle mass while on a caloric deficit and it certainly takes much dedicated work, but certainly not impossible. It's easier for those with mesomorphic body-types. Typically, this is really only possible when someone first starts out with strength training while on a caloric deficit. I'm not saying that a person is going to put on significant muscle mass, it will come little-by-little and then the person will "level out", so to speak. Once the individual levels out, they must focus more on maintenance in an effort to mitigate substantial muscle-loss.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member

    I don't claim to be an expert however I know that protein intake may have an affect. Protein builds muscle mass when working out. I would suggest looking up the minimal daily consumption of protein. Hope this helps. Don't get discouraged, your doing great!


    This is incorrect. You cannot build muscle mass on a calorie deficit, regardless of how much protein you eat. Eating less protein will lead to muscle loss, which will cause you to look less toned as you reach your goal weight.

    Where did my biceps come from then??

    Fat loss can give the appearance of muscle gain when in fact you are just revealing the muscles you already had. You can also get significantly stronger on a deficit without building much if any muscle, also making you think you must have gained some.

    I'm not saying its impossible to gain muscle on a deficit. There are two things that usually mean you can:
    1) You are obese
    2) You are new to lifting

    If you are neither your chances of building muscle on a deficit are very very small. You can however, maintain the muscle you have by strength training and getting adequate protein. (Without some form of resistance work, a lot of people lose muscle mass while on a deficit)
    Yeah, you certainly said it better than I.