At this for 3 weeks never lost a lb what am I doing wrong??

hey all
I have working my butt off for the last 3 weeks haven't lost a lb...though I just started tracking food this week. need a jump start ....any ideas??


  • msShari1
    You may find your answer when you start tracking food.
  • trudibus
    I tracked all week and most days I didn't have enough to this...never had to diet before..:(
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    try not to quick add calories you might be under estimating on how many calories you actually ate and you do seem to miss quite a few days of logging around the holidays so since you are only 3 weeks in you might have ate more then you actually think during those times with high sodium which could be adding water weight.
  • MarkC1963
    MarkC1963 Posts: 51 Member
    My weight vacillated alot during the first 5 weeks of attempted weight loss, then I started losing a consistent 1.4 lbs per week. Now I average 2 lbs per week. I've lost 46 lbs since June. I'll send an invite to be a friend if you'd like someone to cheer you on! :) Best, MarkC
  • RunnerLynne
    RunnerLynne Posts: 5 Member
    Do you measure your food? I am finding a scale is helpful.

    Could you be gaining muscle and toning?
  • trudibus
    my quick add calories are what I took form the package of what I ate since I couldn't find it on here...I just started tracking calories this week but have been running like a mad woman for 3....just hoping to see something...on a positive note I don't feel so bloated and do feel better ... so I guess that is progress..:)
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    There could be a few reasons... Someone did post something about plateau, and... I myself hit that plateau too... after a month, my weight just goes up and down... (not so much. but I didn't lose at all)

    I kinda wanna try a less carb diet. But it's gonna be hard for me! (T_T)
  • trudibus
    maybe I am adding muscle...hopefully that is the case
  • trudibus
    carbs are my killer....not bread but crackers
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    I tracked all week and most days I didn't have enough to this...never had to diet before..:(

    If you are under your calories, your body may be going into starvation mode, try to up your calories, log all your food (it'll be easier after a few days as MFP will remember them) and make it good food, clean food - go back to basics, keep the good oils in your diet in moderation. It'll come off you soon enough.:smile:
    oh, and move more!!
  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    Keep tracking it is the only way otherwise we all get dieters amnesia and underestimate how much we really eat. Also take measuments of your waist bust hips and you will probably see that you have lost inches even if you havent lost weight.Good luck
  • trudibus
    trying to eat clean!!! No processed food and crap!!! I think I have to move more...did 5k on Thursday it was awesome!!!! I think I need more of that!!!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I would track everything that goes in your mouth (sauces/dips, added sugar/salt, dressings, drinks etc.). Give it 4-6 weeks to see some initial results. Pick a time of the month to weigh-in, take measurements, and pics to compare for the same time next month. When I started I did this every 5th of the month to gauge my progress.
  • trudibus
    I did measure so hopefully I will see results there
  • kaylyngt
    I have found that I am really bad at estimating how much I am really eating. Measuring and weighing your food will help and give you an accurate calorie count. Try to get as close as you can to your calorie limit for the first little while so your body will not shut down and go into starvation mode. Also keeping to your carb, fat, and protein limits helps too. Even when I stay under my calorie goals but go over on fat it slows my progress down. Good luck and you can do this!
  • cdawnmoon
    Focus on eating more protein. You should be getting 1 gram of protein per pound you weigh.
  • carlita123
    carlita123 Posts: 29 Member
    It's definitely important to consistently track all of your food, this will definitely help you figure out what is going on - make sure that you are recording your exercises as well. If you aren't eating enough calories, you could easily be putting your body into starvation mode and you will not lose weight. Don't give up, you will lose the weight!
  • ElizBald
    If you are exercising you may be adding muscle as you lose weight. Muscle weighs more than fat. But you also need to keep careful track of what you are eating so you can learn just what your eating habits are. Trying to cut calories before you know how much you actually consume can be self defeating. A food diary and taking measurements as well as weighing are all important.
  • Tujuannaevans
    Don't panic. You are going to be just fine. You have to track everything (I found out), every little snack, drink, sweetners, etc. It is some serious homework to help you think about every little detail until you learn how it all works. You will get the balance soon. Your exercise will have to be tracked also. It makes you feel really good at the end of the day to know that you are taking total control. Good luck and keep me posted, I just started as well and I some serious work ahead of me. You can friend me if you would like. I will inspire you the best way I can. (Tujuannaevans) They call me Toni.
  • jennifeffer
    jennifeffer Posts: 98 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough. If you run that much you may be under and you don't lose if you don't eat enough. Make sure you get all your water and avoid salt like the plague! Good luck!:smile::smile: