Has anyone had any bad experiences at Walmart?



  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I have several issues with Walmart, but the three that are going to convert me to a Target customer are:

    1. No carts in the store... there are employees standing around and carts all over the parking lot.
    2. Not enough lines open
    3. Rude cashiers after I've waited in line for 10-15 minutes

    The problem is, I can usually find everything I need in one stop at Walmart. I do not buy meat there but their prices for other items cannot be beat. I'm over a barrel.
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    I was shopping there a few years ago with my son (he was 2 1/2 at the time) and found a Fisher Price corn popper like one of these:


    My son was rolling it back and forth beside me in the checkout line when the employee behind the counter started reprimanding me,"Your kid can't play with that yet, you haven't paid for it! Can you PLEASE grab that out of his hands, he can't play with it right now!" She was raising her voice at me and the rest of the people in line were in shock. Needless to say, I had a few choice words of my own for her as I paid for it and got the hell out of there. I never shopped at that store again.
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    I have several issues with Walmart, but the three that are going to convert me to a Target customer are:

    1. No carts in the store... there are employees standing around and carts all over the parking lot.
    2. Not enough lines open
    3. Rude cashiers after I've waited in line for 10-15 minutes

    The problem is, I can usually find everything I need in one stop at Walmart. I do not buy meat there but their prices for other items cannot be beat. I'm over a barrel.

    That sounds like a localized problem. The walmart I go to is pretty on top of things. There are always carts. Lines are usually pretty short unless it is around Christmas. There are rude cashiers, so I only go through their lines if I have a cart full of crap. Especially if I have lots of tiny things. We do all of our grocery shopping there (mainly because it is the closest place to us. We live in the middle of no where.). When we do our heavy duty grocery shopping for the month, we sometimes have 2 carts of stuff. There is one cashier in particular that I like to piss off. When I was on food stamps about a year ago, their credit/debit/ebt systems went down in the middle of checking out. This miserable woman had to manually take EVERYTHING off and rescan everything. and had to do it in small increments. It was fantastic. I can't stand that woman.

    I hate Wal-Mart.

    I LOVE this thread.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I will happily pay more at Target to keep Walmart out of my life.

    *Nearly* everything I buy is cheaper at Target. It does depend on what you are buying, but my daily items are almost always cheaper, and if they aren't they are just a few cents more.
  • sonjawi
    sonjawi Posts: 46
    My husband does not let me go alone to the Walmarts in the area. After watching funny people in the middle of the night, men following me in close range when I look for fruit or vegetable or bend into the frozen meat freezers and trying to give my their phone numbers, and a recent shooting all make me feel like he is pretty right with the assessment that Walmart alone is not a good experience for me *lol* That's not a Walmart employee problem though. The only issue I have with Walmart employees is when they want to tell me that my coupon is not for what I try to buy just because they only look at the image and not at the text that says "any item".
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    Trust me not all people at Wally world is bad, my mom works there and she is pretty awesome
    She actually works at Walmart? I bet she kicks kittens when she gets home.

    A little rude...
  • jasmineheaven
    I have several issues with Walmart, but the three that are going to convert me to a Target customer are:

    1. No carts in the store... there are employees standing around and carts all over the parking lot.
    2. Not enough lines open
    3. Rude cashiers after I've waited in line for 10-15 minutes

    The problem is, I can usually find everything I need in one stop at Walmart. I do not buy meat there but their prices for other items cannot be beat. I'm over a barrel.

    That sounds like a localized problem. The walmart I go to is pretty on top of things. There are always carts. Lines are usually pretty short unless it is around Christmas. There are rude cashiers, so I only go through their lines if I have a cart full of crap. Especially if I have lots of tiny things. We do all of our grocery shopping there (mainly because it is the closest place to us. We live in the middle of no where.). When we do our heavy duty grocery shopping for the month, we sometimes have 2 carts of stuff. There is one cashier in particular that I like to piss off. When I was on food stamps about a year ago, their credit/debit/ebt systems went down in the middle of checking out. This miserable woman had to manually take EVERYTHING off and rescan everything. and had to do it in small increments. It was fantastic. I can't stand that woman.

    I hate Wal-Mart.

    I LOVE this thread.

    I dont think thats a localized problem I have seen it here where I live in New York, Pennsylvania to Virgina and Florida...I think it just really depends on management. The people at the Walmart went to are ALWAYS friendly and neat with the exception of that guy following me but I got him good. Met with the manager and talked to headquarters and he is under review and flagged. Mhm! Feel much better!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Your title made me think "duh", but being racially profiled is a whole other ball game. Really depends on your area and a person-to-person basis.
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    Every time I go in. Feels like a punishment when my wife sends me there.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I've been in a Walmart in a BLACKOUT. No one else lost power. Just Walmart. I detest everything about that place.