What's you daily calorie goal?



  • I would definitely reccomend an increase! Start by going from 2 pounds lost per week to 1.5 pounds lost per week. When I did this (going from 1200 cals per day to 1390 per day) I dropped 5 pounds in a week and a half! It totally shook up my metabolism, my energy levels, and everything to help get me out of the plateau I'd been in for almost a month! I'm not certain on the science behind exactly WHY this happens, but I know increasing cals gradually is nessecary as you come closer and closer to your goal weight.

    Currently I'm eating 1620 cals/day, because I'm nearing maitenance mode & trying to build (alot) more muscle. Good luck!!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I think I will change it to one pound a week.

    Part of me is scared to eat too much more.
    I would change it to lose 1.5lbs. per week. Stick with that for one month then change it to lose 1lb. per week. When you're 5-7lbs. away from your goal, change it to lose 0.5lbs. per week. Slow and gradual changes are best.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I finally set my goal from losing 2lbs a week to 1lb a week because I just wasn't sticking to it. At 2lbs/week, my goal is 1200. Now, it's 1700 and that's easier to stick to. Maybe I'll work my way down to 1.5/week but I need to get back on track after the holidays for now.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    i try to hang around 1500-1700
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    With only 14 pounds to lose, I personally think that your goal to lose 2lbs per week is a bit high! I would change that to 1lb and .5lbs per week for the last few lbs - I know it probably isn't what you want to hear!

    I've lost 35 lbs and am probably want to lose another 25lbs, I have already changed my goal from 2lbs to 1.5lbs per week and recently 1 lb per week. I normally lose more than my goal everyweek! I log everything and eat back the majority of my exercise calories (I don't eat them all mostly because I don't use a HRM and the machines and MFP are known to overestimate the calories burnt) MFP isn't an exact science just a guideline, try lowering your goal for a couple of weeks and if it doesn't work change it! This is a journey not a race! :drinker: