if it werent for my body, I'd be in great shape!!

Im finally starting to get on a roll with the weight loss (32 lbs) and I thought as I lost weight my knees would fell better. NOT the case! Im being put out of workout commission for a couple of days fairly often now. Im not pushing it hard. Just elliptical workouts, walking, bicycling... nothing too hard on my knees.All I did yesterday was go on a walk for a couple of hours and now my right knee is swollen (AGAIN). So now I cant workout today, has to ice my knee, and take ibuprofen.
Im getting really sick of this cycle!! At this point, I know Im gonna have to see my doctor about this which I really wanted to avoid!, but I was hoping someone knew of knee strengthening exercises or any other tips that might help. I could be so much further ahead if it werent for my damn knees!!


  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Strengthen the other muscles in your legs, so your knees don't have to do as much "work". Also try getting a knee support, and see if that helps. I don't have any specific exercises, but I'm sure someone will chime in with some good ideas for you soon. Just don't push too hard, too fast. Oh, and I'd also suggest wearing GOOD sneakers, that help support you. One last suggestion... do upper body cardio : Controlled punches, & row machines come to mind off hand. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    thanks sweetie! I just googled "strengthening muscles around knee" and found some stuff I can do while Im out of commission. Hope it helps!!
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    You're very welcome. I hope it helps too.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    I would stress the thing about good shoes. After months of running in regular running shoes (or "neutral" shoes as I have heard running geeks call them), I finally had the money to go and get fitted at a running store for a support running shoe. I have an incredible pronation problem, meaning I roll in on my arches. Everyone does this naturally a little, but if you do it too much, it can be murder on your knees. Supenation (rolling to the outside of your foot) hurts them too.

    If you're not doing high impact workouts and your knees are responding like that, you really want to go to a specialty running store and have them help you. A good store will put you on a treadmill and analyze the way you walk or run, then make you walk the treadmill in a bajillion pairs of shoes till they find the one that helps correct your alignment.

    It's costly--mine were about 130 bucks. But OH. MY. GOD. The difference it made in my knee pain was amazing. I don't have any knee pain at all anymore, and I'm about 100lbs overweight. And I don't walk, I run on concrete.

    Anyhow, good luck, hopefully this helps!
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    Cost doesnt matter to me much if it'll help! Ill do that! Great idea! Thanks!