Netflix Streaming Movie Recommendations



  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    precious is good but sad. my favorites:

    - Dr. 90210 (about plastic surgery. makes you think)
    - law and order svu
    - camp rock
    - a little princess
    - twilight zone episodes
    - good will hunting
    - glee!
  • I watched Precious a while back and it is seriously depressing. We watched Bladerunner last night. They have a lot of the cult classics....breakfast club and such.

    ETA: Guess I should have looked at the time before I wrote. Oh well, hope you found something worth watching!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    My daughter and I are watching all the Bond films. We're up to the Dalton's.

    I ride my bike trainer while we watch - good way to make the time pass.