*PICS* I have trouble spots :( and a few Qs!

Here are pics of me from today, i have been eating decently well with little to no exercise for the past 7 months with only 10 lbs weight loss. Since monday i have been religiously counting calories/logging into MFP and have been anywhere from 27-600 cals under goal, whether because of smaller amounts of food or because of exercise... and once this week i did zumba and took a walk from 30minutes-1hr every day except the day i did zumba and one day that i didnt do anything.
MFP says my goal cals are 1600
I am 21 yrs
I am 5ft 3inches
I weigh 165 lbs
My belly button measurment is 44in
My bust is 42in
My thighs 23in
My arm at biggest point is 12.5
I eat a lot of lean protein (99%FF ground turkey, chicken breast, never fried etc)
I encorporate veg into my food every day (even though i dont like it!)
Try to remember to eat fruit every day but doesnt always happen
I only eat 100% whole wheat (small amounts every day)
Only drink water every day, maybe once or twice a week i will have 4oz of juice
Just started subbing white sugar for equal substitute in my coffee in the morning
I have been doing this meal style (besides the sugar) for the past 7 months although i have some bad days like once a week where i will go to olive garden or somewhere and go over my cals a lot, but i figure its ok to once a week right, kinda the zigzag effect?? lol. Anyway am i EVER gonna lose weight living like this?? This past week i upped my exercise like i said above, and i think that will help me... before this week i wasnt really watching PORTIONS or exercising much.. so that is what i have changed in 2012..
will that be enough to see results??
HOw soon should i expect to see results whether in measurement or in lbs?
I want to lose 10-15 lbs by end of april for when my hubby leaves for Afghanistan (i want his last impression to be great!)
I want to lose 20 lbs by June for when i see old highschool friends for the first time since my 2nd baby..
Are these realistic goals?
Do you have any tips?
If your body type is like mine, PLEASE let me know what helps you, and add me if ya want!! IF you do add me just let me know your from this post. Thanks so much i appreciate any help yall can give!!




P.S. im very uncomfortable posting these pics :( but i need help and advice! :( my "love handles" and "belly button area" are my biggest issues but my arms are a big issue for me too


  • mysweetFiona
  • mysweetFiona
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    yes keep walking! you will lose and quickly. walk as fast paced as you can for at least an hour, and stay under your calories. it seems like you are on the right track, just try to limit those splurges to like once a month.
  • mysweetFiona
    Ok i know this has to be right now! lol omgosh im so sorry.



  • amythebaker
    I've struggled with my weight for a long time, too. I can tell you that the best success I've ever had was with counting calories (which I pretty much equate to PAYING ATTENTION to what I put in my body) combined with exercise. If you managed to lose weight with only changes to your diet, then adding exercise to your routine will likely get you the results you're looking for.

    TRY to find some vegetables you like...branch out...there's more than broccoli out there! Asparagus and brussel sprouts can be REALLY tasty, healthy and filling if prepared correctly, and this time of year you can find all kinds of squash out there...google some recipes and experiment so that you don't get into a rut.

    Good luck!!!
  • mysweetFiona
    Thanks for the help so far! Oh also wanted to add i have terrible back issues so crunches are a big struggle for me, but i need to lose weight to HELP my back too so its important for me... besides being important to be in a healthy BMI which requires 25+lbs to lose from where i am now. I really really wanna be at a healthy BMI by the end of the summer.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Exercise is the key. If you start incorporating more exercise in, it will shock the body. Portion control is also key. Im in maintanance, and I still weigh EVERYTHING! You need to mix up the exercise also. The body adapts so fast that if you keep doing the same thing, the body wont adapt. You need to keep progressing. A good thing to use is Couch to 5k. Sounds scary I know, but its good for keeping your body guessing, and also gives you something to aim for.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Thanks for the help so far! Oh also wanted to add i have terrible back issues so crunches are a big struggle for me, but i need to lose weight to HELP my back too so its important for me... besides being important to be in a healthy BMI which requires 25+lbs to lose from where i am now. I really really wanna be at a healthy BMI by the end of the summer.

    Dont worry about crunches at all. You could do them all day long, but if you have fat over them then you wont see them anyway. You cant spot reduce fat, so you need to get your overall bofy fat % down. If you do things like lunges, squats etc, you work your core also.
  • mysweetFiona
    thanks! keep it comin' :)
  • mysweetFiona
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    counting calories has been my life savor. seriously being accountable for every morsel is key.

    exercising really helps. maybe you could try the 30ds or something?
  • KathPearce
    KathPearce Posts: 146 Member
    Wow, you are so brave for posting your pics, I take my hat off to you. My body is similar to yours and I haven't got the guts to even take my before pics let alone post them on here! (That is my next hurdle to overcome!)

    I always plan my food diary the night before, that way if something I'm planning to eat takes me over my Kcal allowance I can find an alternative. Also that way I have it in my mind the following day when I feel like getting a bit picky lol!!

    You CAN do it! I think your goals are very realistic and you've done the right thing by setting smaller goals 10-15lb first then 20lb because if right of the bat you'd said I wanna lose 35lb that seems like it would take forever but by breaking it down it will be more manageable.

    Well Done You and Good Luck :)
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I'm sure you are going to get a lot of mixed advice in this thread. I want to tell you that weight loss is a combination of diet, cardio AND strength training. Please don't neglect the weights!

    But mostly I wanted to tell you... You have BEAUTIFUL beautiful legs!! :love:
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    My body type is similar. I've been doing 30ds and seen a huge difference in toning my stomach area. You can eat as healthy as you want, but if you aren't watching portion size you are likely way over your calories, which is why you aren't losing. Once you start measuring portions, you will see just how much you were over eating. I was easily eating three times the amount of pasta I should have been.
  • cheeki119
    cheeki119 Posts: 53 Member
    love your legs btw ;) xxx
  • mysweetFiona
    i was actually thinking about 30 day shred! will it be too hard on my back (i have sciatica and nerve issues as well as slipped discs and minor scoliosis), and also will the weight STAY OFF? im concerned about that because of how quickly some lose weight/inches with that... cuz i've always heard if it comes off fast, its coming back fast.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    i was actually thinking about 30 day shred! will it be too hard on my back (i have sciatica and nerve issues as well as slipped discs and minor scoliosis), and also will the weight STAY OFF? im concerned about that because of how quickly some lose weight/inches with that... cuz i've always heard if it comes off fast, its coming back fast.

    Not sure where you live (States/Canada) so don't know what kind of a health system you have. But can you get your Dr to refer you to a physiotherapist? I really think with those injuries that would be necessary. I don't want to give you advice that will hurt you, but if you would like to add me as a friend I would love to offer support along your journey :)

    DISCLAIMER: I am obnoxious, often offensive, I swear constantly

    PS - I started out about where you are. This was only two months of progress. There was barely a change on the scale but a huge change to my body.

  • mysweetFiona
  • ActorGirl1476
    ActorGirl1476 Posts: 221 Member
    First of all, I really commend you for posting pictures like that. I couldn't bring myself to do it, though I have them. It was very brave of you!

    One thing that has had a big effect for me is that I was eating a lot of those "sugar substitutes" and "low fat" everything and it was actually doing me more harm. I was wondering why when I ate these I had tons of cravings and I did some reading and it said that the preservatives etc have strange effects on the body. For me, going back to real sugar and real foods has helped a lot, other than that it sounds like you are eating really well.

    The best advice I can give you is to find a form of exercise that doesn't feel like exercise to you. Something that you LOVE like a sport or dance or running or whatever it may be. something that you could do for hours and consider it having fun. When you WANT to exercise, you will do more than you even realize, and when you are trying to get fat off, cardio is key.

    The last thing I have to say is, I am a firm believer in the effects of our mental state on our bodies. From what you wrote, it seems like you are pretty focused on your lack of success and how things aren't working. I feel like in order to fix that and start seeing results, take every pound, every inch, every extra minute of working out as a victory. Be proud of yourself, though you haven't yet gotten the results you want, you will get them if you keep on your path, it's inevitable. Be proud and happy that you have stuck to something for so long, many many people cannot do this. You are doing amazing, focus on that and it will all start happening, I promise. :)
  • mysweetFiona
    Thanks all!! Thats like the only proud part of my body i have.. my hubby loves my legs too. they never seem to get fat on them except right on the insides of my thighs at the top theres little pouches of fat that i need to lose too! Thanks for all the support so far!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods