Question Mish-mash

About a week in and I've gathered a few unrelated questions that perhaps you have input on. And just so you know I'm not being lazy I am also going to search the forums.

1) P90X Shakeology - I was going to ask if the Shakeology was beneficial but found a forum string with great info. So I'd rather chew my food.

2) Jillian's 30DS - On Day 2 of the Shred. I'm under the impression it's to be done in 30 consecutive days. Thoughts?

3) I never know how to log in the dvd workouts so I'm bunching them all into cardio circuit general workout. But I suspect the calorie burns are inaccurate for the whatever I'm doing. Which leads me into the question....I've seen people make reference to a 'gadget' that calculates calorie burns. Thoughts?

Ok, off to research...



  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well any speciality diet only works in the short term, perhaps as a quick start, but the only real way is to change your thinking and eating so you can sustain it for the rest of your lifetime.

    I suspect if you go to Jillians website and any good exercise physiologist they would tell you it says 30 but you do it at the rated you can handle it, each step until you complete a cycle, maybe that is 30 if you are already in good shape, maybe that is 90 if you are just getting off the couch. Don't kill yourself over perceived timelines, you need to set the pace. I do turbofire sometimes and she is always saying, step it up at your own pace.

    Get a heart rate/calorie counter monitor - its a fancy watch that you can check your Heart rate. If you get one without the chest belt you do have to interrupt your workout for like 10 seconds to get a reading, with the chest belt it is continuous. Depends on what you need.

    These are of course suggestions, lol. This is your journey lady, own it. Kind of like riding our Harley's on a long road trip, you have to own it or you might quit before you arrive at your destination. We had a trip like that, thunderstorms, lightning, wind, a dust storm and one of the folks bikes was being fractious. But we arrived and had a blast. Funny the trip home was almost anticlimactic.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Chewing food is the only way my body recognizes it, I think.

    The circuit training general MFP rating is generally high for the 30-day shred... and especially if you're not working it to the top of your lungs. In the 2nd level she says "during this 2 minutes of cardio I want you to be gargling your heart before its over"... that is crazy talk... but that's the only way you'd be near the burn listed for the time expended. I have a HRM, I CANNOT do all of the moves but I keep moving, hardly stopping, and my burn is WELL under the calculations.

    HRM are great for things like running or c25k when you don't know what speed you're running at... but if you know your mileage and time you can figure that out and there are plenty of places on the web to gather the information. I did buy mine because I do a ton of walking DVDs in the house and I wanted to make sure that when they say "1-2-3 miles" that I'm really getting the right burn. I have a lot of weight to go yet and I want to be able to eat and not wonder if the burn that MFP claims is too high... this way I know exactly what I can eat. (and that's the most important!)
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Thank you for the helpful information!
  • medicrenee
    medicrenee Posts: 58 Member
    lmao I have nooo idea on these, hell I had to look up what 30DS was.. But what I know is Im certainly not to the point where I can handle Jillian. She rocks for sure. I have alot to loose, but before I get to her point I plan on training my heart to handle the high levels without having a heart attack.
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Haha Medic...,

    That's how Jillian's been making me she's giving me a heart attack! But it's a good pain afterwards. Why I thought I could go right into 30DS without having worked out in 'forever'....well I must be nuts. But it's all good. :)