upped my protein...now what???

hi there..I have alway been focused on strictly staying under my calories goal. I have now decided to focus more on nutrition...1200 calories of red vines and lean pockets isnt excatly healthy...lol!

This week I adjusted m y MFP goals to 40p/30c/30f...This is DOUBLING my protein intake...

so now what????

Will I see a difference in my toning?? I do 30 minute circuit training videos 6x a week. Plus I am a pretty active person naturally...(three kids and a full time job). So If I keep my activity level the same will anything change physically?


  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Not sure- depends on a lot of factors. I am also (I guess by your ticker) at my goal weight and trying to eat more protein in an attempt to build muscle and lose fat. However, in order to do that I have also changed my exercise routine because just eating more protein didn't work for me. Question though- if you are not trying to lose weight, why are you eating so few calories?
  • jennabellaxoxo
    jennabellaxoxo Posts: 232 Member
    Not sure- depends on a lot of factors. I am also (I guess by your ticker) at my goal weight and trying to eat more protein in an attempt to build muscle and lose fat. However, in order to do that I have also changed my exercise routine because just eating more protein didn't work for me. Question though- if you are not trying to lose weight, why are you eating so few calories?

    I am eating more now probably 1400 per day..but i used to stick to 1200 of pure low fat junk food for the most part..and NEVER at any defecit calories. I am confused b/c I dont know what I want to do..do I want to bulk up, get ripped, stay the same??? I know I dont want to get smaller.

    I guess I just want to know what people expereinced physically after upping protein and not making activity changes..

    Not that I wont ever change my activity but if I didnt would I see any changes?
  • TurboFireMama
    TurboFireMama Posts: 121 Member
    If you start eating cleaner with the upped protein your muscles might tend to shine through more. Are you going to add a little more weight training to your daily routine? If you did that plus the increased protein, I think you will get more toned. IMHO.
  • jennabellaxoxo
    jennabellaxoxo Posts: 232 Member
    If you start eating cleaner with the upped protein your muscles might tend to shine through more. Are you going to add a little more weight training to your daily routine? If you did that plus the increased protein, I think you will get more toned. IMHO.

    I have not yet..but hubby is supposed to go get a bowflex machine from his 'rents house. all i have is ankle weights and his weight set..and theres no way I can even pick that stuff up...incorperating weights will be a HUGE step for me...the only thing I am used to lifting is kids...

    I would love if my muscles shined through more :) thanks!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    My mix is 45C,30P,25F but I just made the change to higher protein this week. It is really difficult to hit your protein goal, especially if you are working out a lot, without adding protein shakes or bars. What does your Doc say?

    I agree with another post that you should be great if you incorporate some strength training. Start with body weight exercises and planks to improve your core strength then migrate to something more stressing to the muscles. A good set of dumbbells will serve you well if you are just getting started. Many exercises and very versatile.
  • Hope this helps. I have been doing two protiens a day ( example 4oz. of chicken breast at lunch and 3oz of lean beef with dinner) or any lean meats and vegtables at lunch and dinner, fruit with breakfast and a fruit for snack. I've been doing whole grain rice or wheat pasta. Sticking to the portion size is the trickest part. One chicken leg under some name brands can be 4 0z , which is one serviing.If you can purchase a food scale that would be half of your battel. I've cut out almost all processed food. I do buy baked chips for a treat and goldfish ( because they are baked) and once a week I have a cheat day to eat anything I want. Now, at work I have to do rounds, so I do walk at least an 70 min a day four days a week. But on my day off, I go for a leisure walk and do zumba. Zumba live is so much fun and 52 minutes long. So you can burn alot of calories off of it. Most days I maintain my goal of 1200 calories a day. Myfitness recommended 1200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a day. I've lost about 8 pounds so far. I have about 52 pounds to go. Also, it was recommended to me to eat alot of veg and fruits that don't have alot of starch or sugar such as corn, bananas, or dried fruit. Not that you shouldn't eat them, just not regularly. Regularly, it was recommended for me to eat berries, greens, asparagus, snow peas, apples, etc. P.S Im not sure what your food budget is like, but Walmart sells alot of whole wheat , lean meats, and organic foods at reasonable prices. Good luck with everything.
  • jennabellaxoxo
    jennabellaxoxo Posts: 232 Member
    I've lost about 8 pounds so far. I have about 52 pounds to go.

    you have a great menu!! congrats on your loss and good luck with the rest! you can do it!! :)