Birth control and weight gain?

So I've lost 22lbs so far. However, this week I have gained back 4lbs!! I'm not close to getting my period as I just started a new pack of pills about a week ago. However, I did switch types of birth control. I had to go to a stronger dose because I was bleeding through my last week of pills. Could this be causing water retention or something? I've been good about tracking calories, exercising, drinking water and I just can't figure out what's going on. 4lbs in a week is a lot!


  • fitforcollege
    Water retention is one of the side-effects of birth control (especially with a higher dose of hormones). As your body adjusts to the higher dosage, the water retention should go away. I've always heard that you have to take a birth control pill for at least three months in order to give you body time to get used to it
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    When i started my birth control it was like pmt forever, i was constantly hungry and bloated and grumpy and emotional, i put on weight but it wore off after a while
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I'm on Tricyclen, I actually had to switch to it after I started losing weight because I missed my period on the lower dosage pill (There was no pregnancy just messed up hormones from the weight loss) That was the end of october. Im down 41 lbs since then. So I wouldn't say its going to make a big difference in general.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Women, for the most part, will fluctuate quite a bit throughout our monthly cycle. Don't worry about it.

    Birth control pills can exacorbate it, but rest assured that this is only water weight, not actual fat weight (as long as you are sticking to your meal plan and exercising as usual).
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    the pill always made me gain weight too, that's why I don't take it. Even the LoLoEstrin kind which is like the lowest hormone possible, made me gain weight. Only like 5 lbs but STILL. Ugh. Hubby is getting a vasectomy so I don't have to take the pill. No more hormones in my body PLEASE. I hate that.
  • natalie7015
    natalie7015 Posts: 55 Member
    I too started a new birth control pill after bleeding through my old ones. I am on week three of the first cycle month. I have put on 2.5 pounds. I seem to be bouncing up and down a little but am hoping once this month is over I will lose some weight. I was afraid of this happening but hopefully it will even out. Since I am still watching what I eat and exercising I am pretty sure its the new bc pills.
  • ohpilot
    ohpilot Posts: 73 Member
    I found that I gained about 5lbs when I first started the patch. It was pretty disheartening at first, but I stopped weighing myself for a while and continued on with my routine. When I weighed myself next I had lost not only that weight but an additional 5lbs! So as much as the initial gain sucked, it was nice to see the scale down 10lbs at the end of it :)

    Don't give up! <3
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I'm just finishing month 3 of bc and it all but halted my previously regular progress. Also increases my appetite, so I feel like I'm being tortured and still completely unable to lose weight. If this next month doesn't work out better, I'm quitting. I also had a skipped/barely there period without a pregnancy, like an above poster, but refuse to go on a higher dose since my side effects are already long-term intolerable.
  • leannmanderson
    It's the progesterine in birth control that causes weight gain. This is because one of the side effects of hormonal birth control is to trick your body into thinking that you're pregnant, which is why it helps stop your period except during your "off week" if you're using the pill. Because your body is acting like you're pregnant, it increases your appetite because you need to take in more calories when you're expecting. This is also why, despite the claims, many women also find that they actually have an increase in acne.

    I was on provera (pill form of the shot) for a couple of weeks because of a hormonal imbalance (bled for more than 4 months straight) and it didn't work, and now the doc has me on premarin (estrogen) which has stopped the bleeding and which is what encourages ovulation. Naturally, estrogen starts your period and then encourages ovulation, at which point progesterine takes over. Estrogen actually can help with better moods and weight loss. The downside of any artificial estrogen, of course, is that there's an increased risk of blood clots, especially if you're a smoker or over the age of 30, so it's a good idea to move around a lot. There's also an increased risk with any artificial hormonal birth control of cervical cancer, because it causes cervical erosion and dries up the cervical fluid, which is part of how it makes your body inhospitable to sperm, as well as increased risks of heart attacks and strokes.

    To be perfectly honest, if I hadn't had so much trouble that I HAD to use the premarin and provera, I wouldn't use artificial hormones at all. Outside of this little issue I've had lately, I'm normally a practitioner of the sympto-thermal method of natural family planning since it doesn't mess with my hormones and puts me in MUCH greater control. Hubby and I have been much closer since we started with this method, as well, since it requires communication. I also love that it's all natural, with zero risk, zero controversy attached, and that when he and I are ready for kids, it'll be easier to switch from avoiding pregnancy to attaining it. Plus it helps with weight loss because you're paying more attention to your body's natural signals.
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    which Pill are you on? The combined hormone or the mini pill (progesterone only) ?

    I found with the combined one I became a homicidal *****. literally couldn't control my emotions, in a rage for a lot of the time and I felt horrendous. I came off it and left it for 10 years seeing as I didn't have much use for it (kind of gave up sleeping with men :laugh: )

    I only spoke to my doctor about going back on it back in the summer as I had enough of the crippling (and no, I'm not exaggerating) pain I was in with my periods. Turns out I have fibroids in the uterine wall which is causing the pain. I was in agony from my knees to my breasts, I'd throw up, pass out, turn white, lips would turn blue, the works.

    The combined pill with the extra estrogen was what was causing the mood swings etc from before so I was put onto the "mini" pill with no estrogen and progesterone only and it is BLISS! No period. No PMS. No pain. No passing out. AND no weight gain with it. The added benefit is that estrogen "triggered" cancers like breast and ovarian cancers are less likely as I am not adding extra estrogen to my already estrogen sensitive body.

    Speak to your doctor...see if there are other types of BC that you could try if some don't agree with you and good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    Oh yeah. Weight gain is SUCH a common side affect of gaining weight!! It's almost inevitable (though it didnt happen for me lol but I was already so heavy and not trying to lose. but it happens to everyone else I know).

    Anyways, don't let it impede your routine or progress. I'd start going by body inch measurements rather than scale numbers for the next little bit while your body is getting used to the hormones.
  • StatutoryGrape
    I've never had that particular side effect, but I've heard that monophasic pills (same dose every week) tends to cause less weight gain/water retention than triphasics (a different dose of hormones each week--these include OrthoTricyclin, TriNessa, etc.). I'm on a monophasic now because I take my pill continuously--three months on, then one week off for a withdrawal bleed. I was diagnosed with endometriosis last March, and stayed on a triphasic pill for a few months after my lap...and the pain started to return. I can't have any extra estrogen in my BCP, since it feeds the endometriosis. Since switching, I don't bloat as much during my off-week, and while I do have some spotting, my moods are more stable and I have fewer PMS symptoms in general.

    It should level out after a while, but you're still having problems, ask about switching to a monophasic pill.
  • meggy_182
    meggy_182 Posts: 60 Member
    Is anyone else on the implant?
    That's the main cause of my weight gain, I went on it a year ago and I gained 2 stone almost instantly, with no change to my food/activity level.
    Is it harder to shift weight?
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    implanted where? uterus, or arm? there's two different kinds.

    i'm on nuvaring, fyi. been on it nearly two years with no side affects
  • meggy_182
    meggy_182 Posts: 60 Member
    The arm. Mines called nexplonon or something like that.
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    implanted where? uterus, or arm? there's two different kinds.

    i'm on nuvaring, fyi. been on it nearly two years with no side affects

    i love nuvaring. the side effects are less intense and there's no remembering to take a pill every day! just an in/out every three to four weeks based on your preference. Five years of use and I have little interest in switching to any other form of hbc.
  • inammorata
    Hormonal birth control is evil. I put on soo much weight over the years from Ortho-Tri-Cyclen. Never again.
  • meggy_182
    meggy_182 Posts: 60 Member
    Hormonal birth control is evil. I put on soo much weight over the years from Ortho-Tri-Cyclen. Never again.

    I'm seriously considering removing my implant, but I've enjoyed a year without a period/
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Same here, the BCP is a wretched unit. Not only did I lose 20 pounds when I went off it, I gained my sense of health back. Throw away your pills and buy a condom. They are fairly reasonable.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I hate birth control with a passion. It makes me constantly hungry, I always end up gaining a bunch of weight, plus during my period I'm pretty much psychotic...I cry constantly, over absolutely nothing...Everything makes me mad...I hate everyone/everything. I've made the decision to never use it again, after 2 crazy attempts at it. Eeek.