A bit about me....

Hey everyone,

Well I obviously joined because I want to lose weight....lol duhhh! My name is Marina and I live in La Plata, MD. All my life since little I have been on the heavier side. I had my son two years ago, before I had my son I was 230 lbs.....after giving birth I couldn't believe that I weighted 177lbs. I had a C-section and I was not doing well at all after giving birth, I didn't want to eat at all because I was so sick and less than a month I lost 53 lbs. I was so impressed that I went so lost so much weight. Last time I was even close to 177 lbs, I think I was in my early teens. Sadly, due to some expected drama from my son's father I got very deppressed. I found myself lonely. I was a single mom, and the only comfort I found was food. I gained all that weight back and found myself on Christmas day to be at 207 lbs. A month before Christmas I went to the doctor for a regular check up. As soon as I got home, the nurse quickly called me to let me know that I was knocking on diabetes door and that I needed to lose weight asap. I felt miserable, and ashamed. I missed how good I felt when I was 177 lbs. I promised myself that I will again reach that weight and feel good about myself. My goal is to lose even more and reach at 150 lbs. I want to be a sexy confident mom. I am sick and tired of letting the negativity affect me to the point where I don't want to go out anymore, distance myself from friends, fail to go to the store, and just not want to be seen period. I am happy to say that I started on Jan 1st, 12. I started at 203.8 and now (01/07/12) I weight in at 195.4. I am so happy and shocked that I have kept it going. A week may not seem a lot but for me it's great. I am a huge Youtube user, and I have kept up with "divaslimsdown" channel, I heard of this website through one of her videos and decided to download the app. I am so glad I did, because it just adds on to the motivation. I love how you can track calories and excersize. This time I will reach my goal, this year is all about my better health. I am doing it for me and for my son. Also I am doing it for my mother. I hope that this transformation will be an inspiration for her to also lose the weight. She is a bit hard headed lol. Anyway that's all for now talk to you all later.


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  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Wow! That is amazing progress! :D Keep up the good work! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to add me for support if you like. :)