Workouts that are not too loud for downstairs neighbor



  • bnbradfo
    bnbradfo Posts: 2 Member
    I do Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam pretty consistently, and worried about noise in the beginning as well (Now I just don't care if they hear me, but I can see where you're coming from, haha!) I know that with those workouts, there is always an option of working out that doesn't involve actual jumping- low impact style. The exercise is still really intense, but you don't have to worry about jumps and lands and so on. Hope that helps!
  • Stop! if the ceiling is goin up & down, that's a structural issue! Many people (mostly women in my opinion anyway, because they usually weigh less & don't think they can damage or break a floor) don't realize this (& some don't care) but no matter how much or little you weigh, you could be doing Serious floor/structural damage to your apartment/condo/home, etc. when you workout (run, jump, stomp, etc.) on an old shaky floor that wasn't Built for that! just because if you workout when your neighbor isn't home, doesn't mean the ceiling below you isn't bouncing anymore!! you could be doing More damage as you go! your neighbor might come home to a cracked ceiling!! or if she has a ceiling fan/light it may be broken on her floor!! your floor must shake & bounce a lot so you must see things in the room shaking like an earthquake?? that's a sign to Stop right there!! listen to the people that are saying that's not safe! one being a structural engineer! i'm not one, but i have experience in this cause years ago, a friend of mine (who's 5'5", 125 lbs.), after a couple Months of aerobics & working out in her first apartment, didn't listen to or care about her downstairs neighbors complaints about the ceiling shaking And bouncing up & down, and in the end CRACKED the ceiling below her in TWO places!! she Lost her security deposit because she had to pay for structural damge to the building out of that, Plus more! in all, she cracked the downstairs ceiling And one of the beams below in the sub floor between the floor & ceiling as well as a floorboard under her carpet!! she also Loved the fact she was shaking her apartment like an earthquake & Loved to see things in the room shake & fall over. she thought it was funny, Until she had to pay for all the damages! in my old apartment, which was a downstairs apartment with Very noisy ceilings upstairs, but was thankful nobody ever danced or worked out above me. so i later my landlord informed me in general conversation that it was required and a Rule of the complex in the Lease for All the upstairs apartments that there was no dancing, jumping, or exercise allowed because the floor/ceiling can't hold it & take it, & wasn't built for that. if you wanted to do high impact aerobic exercises and/or were a dancer, you Had to get a first floor apt or you couldn't live there. i believe All Older buildings (apartments, condos, etc.) Should Have this law! many people (again, mostly women, and the lighter women more i believe anyway ) have No idea how much shaking & bouncing they are causing to the ceilings below them, Plus the possible Serious damage! in the end, it could cost you a Lot of money to pay for damages Or you could get Seriously injured, God forbid, if your floor/ceiling below, cracks & you possibly fall through! it Has happened to people before and Can happen again if people aren't aware of this!! good luck but i would suggest join a gym until you move to another place with a Much stronger & sturdier floor and more modern & better built building.