

  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Well today was a great day. Got up and did HIIT 20 this morning, ate well all day, did some light cleaning this evening and now it is time to chill on the couch! Whew, what a day. I hope that the rest of you had a great day, too!

    vixen - Thanks for the input! Make sure you keep us posted. I will definately start saving up to buy this one!

    Have a great evening, Ladies!!!

  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hi all! Welcome Jessi!

    I wish I had more time to write but I'm so busy! Originally when I started this thread I thought I would have more time, but man! Only can get on a couple times a week! I PROMISE though, I"M DOING IT! LOL

    Sooooo, P57 I have decided to do it only 1-2 a week .Why? Because I'm TIRED! LOL Between teaching cardio 3x a week and then yoga 4-6 times a week and the pilates class and barre classes I teach, I think I only need it 1-2 x a week! Also, i take barre 2-3 times a week so i mean, DANG!

    YES I TIRE MYSELF OUT TOO! In a good way though! People call me a Tigger. Cause i"m full of energy! :) I gotta say, since working out (the last year or so, really more, but the last 3 years have been pretty consistent), I realize I sleep less, going to bed later and getting up earlier! LOL It's great! :) I do eat pretty well... until I donl't! As we know, I love my nachos! OH and dang, my husband had nachos waiting for me on Monday night! LOL ARGH!

    I think January might be "feel it out month." I am actually writing out my calendar RIGHT NOW! LOL

    What about you? how is it going?

    If you guys have question about dvds, ask me! I've done them all! I have all of the Jillian Micahel dvds, a lot of the gaiam, kickboxing, aerobic dance ones from the UK and many more! There is a great Kristi Yamagouchi workout that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! If I need a change and less impact than TFIRE than I usually do that!

    Let me know what you think if yoga burn! I like it, but it's not really yoga to me, and it's not really cardio, so it gets lost in the mix fo rme. HOWEVER< I did do it every day for 10 days and felt good! :)

    FREEEEE YOGA! Go to Yoga Journal ! I mean, google:
    "Yoga Journal 21 Day Challenge"

    If you want to be more clear headed, want to feel more balanced in your soul, life and body, if you want to get into yoga, but don't want to people to see you while learning DO IT! IT's free videos! They are posted everyday and sent to your inbox! You can also download them with Real Player if there is one you like!

    Now before you are thinking, "no way too hard!" STOP. They are free workouts. Meant to help you stretch and relax! Some are only 15 minutes ranging up to 35! :) they are great! It even comes with a meditation!

    SOOOOOO, give it a go! If you do a lot of BB workouts than this would be the perfect compliment! :)

    Alrighy all, I gotta go! Yin Yoga, Barre and then I teach! PHEW! It's going to be a long night! Luckily, I have a dinner to go to directly after... and I will be eating a veggie burrito! :)

    P.S. What is this Pump workout in which you speak?

    Also, wanted to let yuo know that in my new class yesterday... I KICKED MY OWN FRIGGN *kitten*! I CAN BARELY WALK DOEN THE STAIRS! LOL QUADS HURT! LOL
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Hey all!

    So yesterday (Tuesday) I did Turbo Fire 60 and boy did it tire me out! LOLOL!
    Today, I did CLX Burn Circuit 1 again! Got better! And I also did a little bit of pilates from a DVD for arms specifically. Sheesh, what a workout. :)
    Tomorrow I believe it's Fire 30 and Abs! Cannot wait!

    I'm waiting for a yogalaties DVD, a DVD on pilates overall and a cardio Barre DVD. I wonder how those would go. I've learned to do newer exercises by themselves--- not in conjunction with something I already know--- I could get hurt (that's mainly for my body--- I'm super tight)
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Hey, Ladies! Well yesterday was Shoulders and Arms with S90 and today was yoga. I am starting to find that I look forward to my one day of yoga a week. It used to be my least favorite but it seems to be a good compliment to all the weight lifting that I am doing. I haven't lost much weight buy I feel like I am getting tighter if that makes sense. I just wish I could get rid of the excess chub around my middle :sad: . I know that it will go away eventually, but sometimes I need more patience. I have had 4 children it is going to take a while. Glad to see that you have all been doing well.

    Tomorrow is Legs! Can't weight!:bigsmile:

  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Tracy! Yes yoga once a week is sooooo good for your body, mind and spirit! I remember back when I started Tfire how excited I was to do it once a week and now here I am doing it almost every day! LOL

    Hoya- Please be careful when doing any type of barre at home! :( I know quite a lot of people who have injured their knees, hips and sciatica nerves by doing it at home and not learning in a studio! If you can get to a good studio first, like a Lotte Berke place or Pure Barre or something, I would do that BEFORE doing it at home. I would hate to see you injure yourself! :( I'm sure you will be fine, but still, I can't stand injuries!

    Well all, drinking my green smoothie and getting ready for class and then teaching! Love it still and all is going well! FINALLY, my quads have stopped hurting! LOL Not just my quads, only the front of my quads from my stretch and flow class on Tuesday! LOL Before you know it, I'll be doing it all again! LOL Anyway, super excited fo all that this new year brings!

    I will say that I went kinda off my rocker with food this week! I stayed under calories, but stil... Oh well, it's my last hoorah I supposed as I have been figuring out what to eat during my new transition! I will say that this coming Sunday, so tomorrow I am tarting to eat CLEAN! CLEAN CLEAN! I am going Vegan (I am aout 50/50 Vegetarian/Vegan) and decided Vegan for the last day of January and then come February, I will be doing a Raw Foods challenge. So excited!

    Anyway, have a great day! :D

    p.s. What do you liek to do for fun? What kind of movies do you like? What is the last book you read and what is the last song you listened to?

    I can do anything for fun! I like any movies with a good storyline! Just watched the new Jack Black, Steve Martin, and Owen Wilson film about birds. I get some people may not like it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! Great storytelling without drugs, sex and violence! :) Have 20 pages left of Celestine Prophecy then on to one of many yoga books.... The last song I listened to? QUEEN OF THE NIGHT by Whitney Houston! LOL I was putting it on a playlist so I had to make sure I knew the moves! LOL
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Kim, thanks so much for the advice! I will definitely do that!! :)

    On Friday, I did Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 2 and HIIT 20. I took Saturday off to take care of a lot of errands that just accumulated and today I did Fire 45 EZ and Core 20. Feeling so great!!!! :)

    How's everyone else doing??
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    OK, just finished up CLX Burn Intervals (whoooa! Crazy workout) and HIIT 20! WOOHOO! Fun stuff. Will try this Zumba DVD tomorrow. Excited about it! :)
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Haven't spent much time woking out this week. I have a chest cold and sore throat. I am going to rest until I am feeling better then get back at. Just wanted to let you ladies know that I am still here!

  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Hope you feel better, Tracy!!!! :(

    I just finished up a Zumba DVD that was second most basic one. It was 40 minutes. I built up a bit of a sweat but not what TurboFire gives me in a 40 minute span! I did Tone 30 along with it and actually felt stronger when doing it. That was a great success!

    Tomorrow will likely be Fire 60 or Fire 45 EZ--- depending on the mood. Although I'm a big fan of Fire 60! :)

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Hey all!

    I just found this thread today and would love to join you guys! I was in the old Turbo Fire thread for a while before life got crazy. I lost about 20 pounds doing the first cycle. So now I actually restarted TF for the second time. I'm finishing week 1. My cardio gains were amazing, and I'm hoping to see even more gains with this round. In my head, I want to do 12 weeks of TF, and then 60 days of Insanity. That would take me through May! I want to see just how well I can get into shape!

    I look forward to meeting everyone in this thread! Kim- I think it's awesome that you're pursuing your dreams!! Glad to hear things are well with you!

  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome, Rhonda! Glad to have you here with us!

    hoyagirl - Thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling much better. Did some Just Dance 3 Thursday night and still couldn't get my breath because of the infection in my lungs so I have taken it easy this last week. I am hoping that I can get back at it Monday. This really stinks, now I feel like I am all thrown off schedule :grumble: . Oh well, onward and upward I guess.

    Hope you all have a great weekend. I will check back later!

  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just completed Day 7 of Asylum and loving it! I already feel stronger and was able to get out for reps. I will be buff my the summer.
  • texastae1010
    Just found this thread as well I had been on the original one also. We did a big move from Indiana to Georgia and we are finally getting settled here so I am trying my hardest to get back on my wagon lol... I started TF today...I normally try to start or change so many things that either I get way to sore, fed up, or just frustrated with myself. So this time around I am only attempting TF for a few weeks and then go from there I have missed my Chalene she makes me smile. I am also starting her book Push today so that should be interesting I am very curious what she has to say and what I will learn over the next 30 days about myself. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    Bump for later reply on a computer with ALL its keys. :}
  • JustMichelleB
    Hello, my name is Michelle, I'm 38 and mother of 2 awesome girls (5y, 8y). I really enjoy exercising, and am convinced that if I could only do better with my diet, i'd have the body of my dreams (thighs I'm not embarrassed about!).

    I am currently doing a Chalean Extreme/ Turbofire hybrid (wk 6 of CE and wk 2 of TF). I'm loving every kickass minute of it. I haven't lost any weight (trying to lose the last 5-10lb for the past year) and still waiting on big changes, and praying I'll see them at some point.

    I've done P90X lean x 2, and various other workouts by Jackie Warner.

    I also try to run once a week (started running 3y ago and don't want to completely give it up, since it's easy to do whenever I travel and my DVDs aren't so easy to do in a hotel).
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Wow, haven't reported in a bit of time!!! I've been exercising however! On Sunday, I went for a quick job in the cold cold weather and it felt great to run again! :) I took a break on Monday because we had been painting all weekend long. Yesterday, I did Burn Circuit 3 and TF 30... gosh it took a lot out of me. Then today I did Fire 60 and did a little painting touch up... sucked the energy out of me--- just have to eat a bit more during those workout days! :)

    How is everyone else doing?
  • tb_lawkid13
    tb_lawkid13 Posts: 29 Member
    Found you guys!!
    Couldn't find this thread before after the other one.
    So...good news, bad news. Bad news is I didn't finish TF...I fell off the wagon ALLAWAY. Eating and working was all bad.
    The good news is that I have a group of friends from school, and we are doing INSANITY TOGETHER!!! So excited. Someone to kick me in the butt and make me go!!
  • summergirl73
    summergirl73 Posts: 70 Member
    I have turbo Jam and would love to join here (about 6 dvd's) I think it might even motivate me to open some i have not looked at yet.:blushing:

    My name is Sondra I am 38 I have not worked out for quite a while. I work long shifts on the weekends so you wont hear from me then, but on my four days off I have plenty of time to work out. I just need a kick in the butt I guess. I Just found this thread and I hope I am not too late to join you ladies. Start Feb 6
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Hello everyone! I am Megan and will be 21 on the 5th. I really want to start working out more in a day. I have been doing the 30 day shred and really like it, but recently began adding other jillian michaels circuit training. I have also been ice skating twice a week. Today was my first 45 minute workout of constant circuit training and I felt amazing afterward. There are free athletic classes at my university and I may attend one. I haven't been worried about the number on the scale but it hasn't gone down at all in the last 2 weeks and I do see a change in the shape of my body but I still have weight on my sides and belly. I'm rambling...hahaha. add me if you would like!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Oh my goodness everyone! :( I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you all! LOL

    Soooo update, I have been resting for over almost a full week now! I can say that I am finally on the mend as I was able to move aorund the house, clean the kitchen, make tofu, and do some laundry and put away clothes! :) Oh you have no idea how great that feels being I have been in bed with my bad knee...

    My bad knee... yup, it acted up! While teaching two Mondays ago I slipped on some sweat and away it went. For those of you who don't know I had a bad knee injury some 8 years ago, was in a wheel chair for 9 months and crutches for 3. It is a "miracle" I am walking "they" say. SOOOOO- been resting. Feeling good about it too!

    SOOOOOO, starting next week I will start teaching barre, pilates, and another stretch and flow workout and then the week after will be starting cardio again. I dn't want to over push it! :) Besides, between finishing Tfire the first week of January and then going strait into teaching, well it's time to take a break! :)

    Ohhh, and in bed, I wasn't able to get comfortable enough with my knee to put my laptop on it... which is why i haven't been on here! Anyway, feeling better, so now I can rest and at least get back online! LOL

    BUT it sounds like you are all doing so well! YAY! :) I will have to change my plan a bit and starting tomorrow I will be doing 20 minutes of physical therapy/pilates for the month of February! :) Of course, I will be teaching my classes and then cardio 3 times a week, but I gotta take it kinda easy! LOL

    SOOOOOO hmmm, what else? Ohhhh- I celebrated my second anniversary on January 29th and while we have been together for some 7 years, it's nice to hvae the official anniversary! :) My husband is the greatest, he took me out for a great Vegan Indian meal at an upscaley American fusion place and then we went to see Madame Butterfly! Oh the opera was SOOOOO good! I am usually a symphony, broadway person myself and well, this was so different and nice and BEAUTIFUL! I even started crying at one point because it's hard to believe that the human voice can sound like that! :) SO great!

    All in all, I have had a great week resting and well, I am back! Sorry to have been so MIA! LOL I will be on more now since I have my 30th birthday vacation planned and ready to go! My best lady friend and my husband are going to stay in a 3 bedroom 3 bathroom suite in Mexico for .... FREE! :) Can't beat that! It will be a great week where I will teach yoga to my friend and husband in the morning on our balcony and then we are free to go swimming with the dolphins, take out jet skis and parasailing! Overall, just excited to be on the beach! :) Here is where we are staying!

    Anyway, since that will be sometime in late May or June I want to be bikini ready! LOL SOOOO, the food has been clean and the water has been flowing and all in all.... I am ready to get going back to my workouts, teaching and daily life! :)

    HEY, Through all this though, I feel super blessed... SUPER to be healthy. Sure, I have an injury right now, but what athletes don't have injuries?!?!? Anyway, I am feeling good and wanted to let you know I am still here and still cheering you on! :)