What is the most weight you lost in a single day?

After gorging myself on an obscene amount of Sushi and Sashimi last night, I weighed myself to find that I gained about 5 pounds from the day before. This did not concern me as I could tell that most of this weight was still sitting in my stomach based on the fact that every time I burped I could still smell and taste the fish YUCK!

In any event, I was scheduled for today a serious of vigorous workouts and by the end of the day I not only lost all that I gained, but then some.

Which brings me to my question... What is the highest amount of weight you lost in a single day? I may have set a record, by losing over 9 pounds between morning and night.


  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    HAHA! I don't know about losing in a day, but I gained 8lbs on Thanksgiving day! lol And I'm STILL not back to what I was that morning.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    5 lbs of water.
  • BrooklynBeast
    You know, I may have set the record yesterday also for the most I gained in a single day. I'll have to make a note of that next time it happens.
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    I dunno about losing, I've gained 11lbs in one day!
  • Ryan_Marie_
    Ryan_Marie_ Posts: 51 Member
    I'm guessing a majority of what you lost is water from sweating and all the food you ate passing out of your system. so fat loss, about a pound.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    4.5 lbs two days after Christmas.
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    remember though that just because you gained weight doesnt mean you gained fat.. 1 gallon of water is 8lbs....thats why its so important to get a scale that breaks down body fat percentages etc
  • uncle_joey
    When I was on Jenny Craig and playing in a rock band, I dropped 8 pounds in one nite when we were playing a club in Georgetown. It was very inspiring!
  • BrooklynBeast
    Yah, I know I didn't lose fat. I just posted this for ****s and giggles. It is not about the fat lost, it is just about the number.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I lose 4 pounds every time i go to sleep :o !
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    About 170lbs the day I got rid of my ex husband.
  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    7lbs 14 oz.. when I had my son. Actually that's what he weighed, but I think I only weighed in at 5 pounds less when I got home LOL
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    3 pounds lost, 7 pounds gained. :blushing: I bloat easily and the water weight comes off fairly easily as well.
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    HA! Emma B i loved this one!!!!!
  • lastraw
    lastraw Posts: 32
    I don't have a one day total but when I finally got my fat *kitten* to the gym 2 1/2 years ago, I lost 17.5 pounds in the first week. My trainer just about had a fit! Needless to say week 2 and 3 were rather anticlimatic...it wasn't until week 4 that the pounds started to come off again.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Almost every night I go to sleep and weigh myself... the next morning, I typically weigh 3-7 pounds less than the night before
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I have lost 5lbs after a good run. I sweat a lot :blushing:

    Actually, tomorrow I am going for my long run, so I am going to weight myself tonight (heaviest after the day) and after just to see if I beat you.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Well when it's that time of the month I can gain 10lbs in one day and lose 12.5lbs in one day, just depends on how much work I've done and how bloated I am HAHA!
  • BrooklynBeast
    About 170lbs the day I got rid of my ex husband.

    I think you may be the winner!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    11lbs! Will admit it was with help from a diuretic tablet...I was suffering from major water retention, couldn't move my ankles so popped one of my pills and piddled for England for 6 hours!