Help! My husband is a chef!

How am I supposed to stay on track when my chef husband is constantly cooking the most delicious and fattening things in the world??? I watch him and my son eat to their heart's content, and I'm jealous! When I put on weight, it shows all over - especially in my face :( I am in need of some serious encouragement!


  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    hahaha id be screwed... ive had to get my bf on board to. Its so hard when they can eat more than we can and whatever they like! eventually ive learnt to say no but its really hard. you can do it!!
  • mail704m
    mail704m Posts: 41 Member
    More time in the gym to compensate or, if you cannot, then exercise portion control. I too love to cook, and eat. And some recipes are high in calories. I exercise strict portion control, or train more... good luck!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I usually cook two meals, one for me, one for my husband. Can you get him to be supportive of you and help you out? Can you cook your own meals?
  • mnec2010
    mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
    Ask him to make some low cal dinners instead :) Since he's a chef and all, I'm sure he can whip up something amazing thats low in fat!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Your life is going to be all about portion control. And if your husband is a great chef he will be able to modify his recipies to fit your diet a few times a week. I bet he would if you put him to the challenge and asked him nicely. :smooched:
    I really feel for you.:flowerforyou:
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    It's really difficult when family isn't on board with what you are doing and I can't imagine living with a chef. I just try to concentrate on what my own plate looks like, to ensure there's a fresh green salad and bottle of water with my dinner every time. Other meals are easier in my home, as everyone is doing their own thing. Also, a few nights a week, I take over cooking and make sure I saute with low fat/low sodium broth and/or Pam and rely on seasoning and variety rather than oil or butter.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Small portions and large salads
  • mmonconduit
    mmonconduit Posts: 51 Member
    You can challenge him to make great food that is healthy or eat what he cooks just monitor your portions to make sure you can still meet your calorie goal. I eat absolutely whatever I want and I still loose weight because I keep an eye on my portions
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    You can challenge him to make great food that is healthy or eat what he cooks just monitor your portions to make sure you can still meet your calorie goal. I eat absolutely whatever I want and I still loose weight because I keep an eye on my portions

  • ogmama12
    ogmama12 Posts: 23 Member
    My fiancé is a chef, too, so I feel your pain! Hes really supportive, so when he cooks for me he will accommodate my dietary restrictions- steamed, baked, etc. I found that it was really helpful to just talk to him about my goals and what foods I want to eat and avoid. He can make the best salads and vinaigrettes and will plate my otherwise boring looking meals in really beautiful ways. Since you have a son, make eating healthy foods a family goal and use your hubby's cuisine know-how to try new vegetable based dishes, meals with lots of color, and new healthy ways to cook your favorite meals.
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    My fiance is a chef too! I'm worried that when we get married that I'll eat it ALL (hoping that I reach my weightloss goal by that time) I don't wanna gain it all back eating his wonderful cooking.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    More time in the gym to compensate or, if you cannot, then exercise portion control. I too love to cook, and eat. And some recipes are high in calories. I exercise strict portion control, or train more... good luck!

    This! I don't deprive myself from eating the things I love, I either stick to really small portions for stuff like that or eat less during the rest of the day, or exercise more to prepare for it!
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    I just make delicious food that I can eat! Challenge him to learn new dishes you can eat
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    I wish I had your problem, I doubt my husband would cook to save his life.

    Like others have said, portion control is important. Also, maybe talk to him about trying to make things healthier?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I think you should see if he could cook healthier foods. Start out small, like see if he'll cook healthy foods for a day, etc etc. There are lots of healthy recipes on here. Check them out. :)
  • morffster
    Hmmm... On a diet and a chef for a spouse. That sounds like a win win too me. I would think he would be able to whip you up any kind of low fat, low calorie or low carb meal you could think of. Let him know what your looking for in a diet and challenge him to create some original meals from scratch.
  • trdy77
    trdy77 Posts: 82 Member
    How am I supposed to stay on track when my chef husband is constantly cooking the most delicious and fattening things in the world??? I watch him and my son eat to their heart's content, and I'm jealous! When I put on weight, it shows all over - especially in my face :( I am in need of some serious encouragement!

    Welcome to the club! My husband is a chef AND a baker. I try to get him to maybe not use so much butter and milk in things and is it just me or does it usually take them like 30 dishes/pots/pans to make soup...eternally cleaning the kitchen in virginia (sigh)
    I'm here for you if you need encouragement.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Where did you women meet these chefs?! My husband can't even make a grilled cheese sandwich.
  • trdy77
    trdy77 Posts: 82 Member
    But my husband did make a fantastic butternut squash gnocci with apples and pistachios the other night.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    How am I supposed to stay on track when my chef husband is constantly cooking the most delicious and fattening things in the world??? I watch him and my son eat to their heart's content, and I'm jealous! When I put on weight, it shows all over - especially in my face :( I am in need of some serious encouragement!

    Awesome! I don't know whether to be envious that you're married to a chef or feel bad for you! :laugh: