Cant make calorie goal today

Today is has been a rough day. Just dont feel like eating or working out. I know depression days are the ones where it is most important to exercise and eat right. But I dont think I am going to be able to. Did some homework, now back to bed. Anyone else ever feel this way?


    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Seems like I have had a hard time staying on track today myself. We all have days like this but if you have a lot of them, check with your doctor. There are some amazing medications out there to help us keep our life on track. Good Luck
  • aleatha5
    aleatha5 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm having a lot of trouble today too! I just want to eat junk food and I won't let myself, but nothing else sounds appealing. So, here I sit with 900 calories left to eat.

    Hang in there! Tomorrow will be a new day, but I'm really feeling you on today!
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    I know Im sad because even junk food doesnt sound good :sad: But "tomorrow is another day" will be my motto for today. Just as one cheat day wont sabatoge a diet, one starve day wont either. I have one day off of workout anyway. I was going to make it tomorrow. Looks like it will be today.