Why did I eat that guilt?

christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
edited October 7 in Food and Nutrition
Heather Frey with Smashfit just posted this on her facebook page and hit home completely. I had poor planning of my food twice this week and VERY LUCKILY/ or with determination I forced myself to make good food choices knowing what road it would lead down if I didn't, however, I wanted to share this. Its brilliant and so very true!!!!!

"Why did I EAT that?!", you say to yourself within minutes of finishing off what you know you shouldn't have even started. And you groan about how much extra cardio you'll have to do, and why you let yourself screw up, and why your SELF let you do that to your SELF. Within minutes your internal drama and self-beatings begin and yet you do it again...and again...and again. Why?

Though there's a multitude of topical reasons, the real underlying reason(s) is usually one of two things or both:
1. You let yourself get starved and all rational is chewed up and swallowed with what you're eating.
2. You haven't really committed yourself to fitnesscizing once and for all. You still have the "some day" mentality.

How do you get past it? Commit.There is no "easy" and there is no "shortcut" but there IS easiER and fastER if you just get to doing it. In no time, you'll see your changes, feel your changes... STRUT your changes. But it means not ordering it, no-thank-Youing it, no buying it, and no excusing it... the wrong foods. Stay true to your workouts, and you wont ever hear yourself say "why did I eat that?!" ever again.

-Heather Frey
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