Mom, WIfe, Soldier!

So, I am 24 years old. I've been in the military for over 5 years. I am married with a beautiful little boy, but I've held on to the weight from having him. He'll be 4 in February! I exercise a lot, but I eat like a pig. I never realized what I was eating until I started looking at the calories. I've been logging on MFP for 6 days now and I love it. It really help to keep me accountable. I am 5'8" 179 lbs. My goal is 160. Small goals at a time!


  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal!
  • LLadybug84
    Army Wife Navy Sailor here. joined for many reasons but the main reason is that we are trying to start a family so the extra weight has to go. the huby has done his part and lost his weight now it is my turn to do the same. and we are planning to renew our vows in 2 years so wanna look good for that as well.

    Joined this site and lose it so i can have support in my journey since the hubby is stationed in Colorado, need all the motivation and support i can get and since i am always on the computer why not get it from people that are trying to do the same thing..