Looking for friends!

Hi everyone, I'm looking for friends on here to help support each other and do this journey together. I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager. I never really had a stabled weight. I've been through so many diet pills and diet plans, up and down yo-yo -ing and gave up right away. I didn't have my mind in the right place for the longest time ever. I kept putting this healthy lifestyle to the side saying I will just start tomorrow. You know we've all done that/said that. NOT ANYMORE. It's right now! Change for Life. Otherwise we'll regret we didn't start sooner. My heaviest was 214lbs. I'm now 140 lbs. Ten pounds away from my goal. Now let's do this for the right reason. To be healthy and to be happy. Not to look good and then choose to eat whatever. This is for our future. Maintain a healthy weight and adapt a healthy lifestyle. Find something you can stick with. All this knowledge has done me well. I LOVE IT! Feel free to add me on Facebook to see my BEFORE/AFTER photos for motivation. It took work and balanced nutrition. Thank you for your time. Have a great night all!

http://www.facebook.com/AmandaDany?ref=tn_tnmn <--FACEBOOK PAGE

"Success is a journey, not a destination." -Amanda


  • Nikkiray32
    I'm new also. I have 50 plus more pounds to lose. I have had success losing weight in the past, as much as 60 pounds. My issue is when I lose the weight or a majority of the wieght, I start to go back to the unhelathy eatting, and giving myself too many treats. Also, moving from NY to KY, I had a hard time adjusting to a more sedentary lifestyle. So, now I have more activities that I have learned to do like camping and hiking.