Who can I reach out to when I am tempted to eat unnecessaril



  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    In case any non-friends are wondering how I made out last night : I almost caved in to a binge last night on some reece peanut butter cups (they no longer are permitted in my home, lol, too much unnecessary temptation). What saved me (from the binge)? I reached out to peeps on MFP and wow !!! the feedback was amazing ... I really felt like i was a somebody, you know, worthy and no longer felt the need to eat. Later on I still felt a bit hungry so I had a diced carrot and celery stalk with a tbsp dressing. (btw, I lost 5.3 lbs for yesterday (I am quite heavy so it must have been lots of water weight, but still it is weight). I thank all of you who replied to my thread (and who prayed for me. I hope I can pay it forward. :) God Bless you all.
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    The worst time for me is after dinner- I am a night owl and get the munchies later in the evening. I think I will be on here quite a bit at night, so please feel free to add me as a friend... we can talk each other through the urges! My biggest hurdle is moving my butt! Any advice on that? I have no motivation to exercise (due to knee injuries).
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations on resisting the temptation and 5 lbs gone! That's wonderful! I am trying to stay off the scale unti next Saturday ( I am a habitual weigher- I get really angry at myself when the scale moves a 1/2 lb up!). keep it up, and please feel free to write me if any urges hit- I will be on here later on :smile: