Stepping on the scales of doom.

Hi everyone,

My name is Sarah, I am 24 and a nurse.

So yesterday I woke up. I did my usual.

Peed, got a glass of coke zero, stepped on the scales and almost died.


I then proceded to tip the glass of coke zero down the drain, and cry on the phone to my sister. I then threw out all the junk from the house and needed to go shopping because of lack of food. 260 bucks later I had a healthy house.

Today I woke up, peed, grabbed a glass of WATER and weighed myself. 81.2kg. WOO

I am really happy yo be here and have a bit of support and motivation. I will be doing 3- 4 days of Zumba a week and five 5 minute sessions on the ab circle pro.

Goodluck ladies and nice to meet you.