How to you reward yourself?



  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Laser hair removal. :devil: I am banking on it taking me approximately 2 years to lose my remaining 62lbs (I have health problems that prevent good weight loss), so I have some time to save up money. :laugh:

    I'm so excited about never shaving, waxing, or plucking again. :drinker: However, that really doesn't modivate me to lose weight. The only thing that modivates me is being thin. :laugh:
  • doodlebug
    doodlebug Posts: 44 Member
    I love to buy workout clothes. It is double motivation. You get newer nicer clothes to workout in and you keep the motivation to keep doing so!! I am going to buy a whole new gym outfit with each 10 lbs I lose!
  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    I know its not the best thing in the world for me, but I love to go tanning. And I won't let myself go unless Iv'e been to the gym. That's my small reward-my big reward is this summer-My husband and I are going on an 8 day Mexican Riviera Cruise, and I want to look DAMN GOOD! So thats my reward!:drinker:
  • Stacey82
    Stacey82 Posts: 69
    I tried convincing my husband to buy me new diamonds for every 10 pounds, but starting with almost 80 to lose he didn't thing that would be a very wise financial decision! Having just lost the first 10 I feel great and my husband may not know it yet, but when I reach my goal there will be diamonds involved!
  • GameOver
    GameOver Posts: 90 Member
    I tried convincing my husband to buy me new diamonds for every 10 pounds, but starting with almost 80 to lose he didn't thing that would be a very wise financial decision! Having just lost the first 10 I feel great and my husband may not know it yet, but when I reach my goal there will be diamonds involved!

    :laugh: :laugh: Good for you! Keep it up! Can't wait til I get my first ten pounds down.
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    I used to be in-between and Med and Lrg top...depending on the fit. I'm now just a Med, so I've been buying a new top every few weeks. I'm almost to my goal and haven't been trying as hard as I should, but ya know...I feel good and think I'm at a good place, so why not. Even if I lost another 5-10 lbs, I'd be a MED, so...I'm stocking up now. :wink:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I think I put my rewards on my profile... brb.

    I did, I did!! Here it is:

    I am paying myself for the little things I do to put me towards my goal weight. I will earn this money, little by little, and pull the kitty, taking the money to do something for myself I normally wouldn’t allocate the funds for.

    $0.10 for having a happy day, smiling at others and being bright and encouraging
    $0.25 for every day I work out
    $0.25 for every day I drink 8+ glasses of water.
    $0.50 for every day I 'make' calories (within 100 +/-)
    $1.00 for every day I run (at least 5 min+)

    So far, I've been doing this for over a week and earned over $5. I have no earthly idea what I'm going to do with the money, but it's MINE. I like that. :bigsmile: Also, the longer I don't have an idea of what I'm buying, the longer I will have to save it up. :wink: I'm thinking it might be a new accessory for my camera (a remote shutter release for the Nikon D70, in case anyone wanted specifics) or a mani/pedi (probably not though) or maybe new clothing or a trip somewhere with my girlfriends (even a day trip!). We'll see but I love having a money jar and paying myself for my successes. Paying myself a whole DOLLAR yesterday because I went running was FUN!!! :glasses:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    When I lost 20+ pounds, I had my hair cut and highlighted.

    I like this one!

    I do too! I told myself when I get to the 250's I'll let myself get it done again, so it's every ten I'm 'allowed' to get my hair done
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    At 20 pounds (almost there!) I get a massage. I frequently go "shopping" and try on clothes and see what fits now. I'm excited to be in a XXL and I can shop at a lot of stores now that I couldn't before. I buy clothes as I need them - even at Goodwill, you can find nice clothes sometimes - but when I get way down there I'm getting a LOT of new clothes!!!
  • GameOver
    GameOver Posts: 90 Member
    Ya know. I have been looking at this post a lot and I really started to think about how I will reward myself. As I said in another post, I'm loosing inches...not pounds so far. Maybe I can reward on inches rather than pounds.

    Anyone try this?
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    My rewards were clothes. I love shopping! :love:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
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