Anyone else on 1200 a day?



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Okay ... I'm going to sound like a dumba**, but what does TDEE stand for?

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

    The problem with some of the posts here is that they aren't taking into account that calculations for the Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR) (from which you derive the TDEE), are estimates. They aren't accurate for everyone. If you want even a halfway accurate reading you have to be tested. The metabolic process is not simple.

    Add to that the fact that exercise energy expenditures are usually overstated and food calorie contents are often understated and you have the potential for a big, fat problem.

    1200 or under is what works for me at the moment. The idea that I'm "starving" myself is nonsense.
  • dalexander82
    dalexander82 Posts: 111 Member
    I do 1100 a day.. It all depends on what you eat and how often you exercise. With me, it's a mind over matter thing. I eat fruit, veggies, chicken, fish and low fat yogurt ice cream. Everyone's bodies are different, you have to do what works for you. :smile:
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I had my RMR tested at the doctor;s office..and was shocked that I am supposed to at minimum eat 1280 if I am just laying in bed all day with sedentary activity level it was about 1640, I recommend this test to anyone who truly isn't's more exact than a requires a breathing mask and all sorts of fun tubes to monitor...good luck to everyone :)
  • jbjones56
    I am going for 1200 cal a day. Just started last monday. It's important for me not to feel starved. So I have not met the goal everyday and decided to be honest with my food diary. My goal is 1200 calories but I refuse to beat myself up if I don't meet it everyday because I can try again tomorrow. It's quite an adjustment; but it seems I'm eating everytime I turn around. Staying busy beteween meals and snacks takes my mind off not being able to shove anything I want to into my mouth. It does seem low as I have dropped 4lbs in 6 days. Maybe you want to do like another reader replied and up your calories. After your comfortable with that, lower it by 50 or 100 until you get down to 1200. :smile:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Okay ... I'm going to sound like a dumba**, but what does TDEE stand for?

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

    The problem with some of the posts here is that they aren't taking into account that calculations for the Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR) (from which you derive the TDEE), are estimates. They aren't accurate for everyone. If you want even a halfway accurate reading you have to be tested. The metabolic process is not simple.

    Add to that the fact that exercise energy expenditures are usually overstated and food calorie contents are often understated and you have the potential for a big, fat problem.

    1200 or under is what works for me at the moment. The idea that I'm "starving" myself is nonsense.

    I dont know...anyone whos only got a couple pounds to lose and not showing any pics of themselves....

    I for one have several people of all body types and obesity ranges losing significant weight on a weekly basis.
    If I said "Now its time to eat 1200 cals!" they would lock my *kitten* up!

    At some point the metabolism slows and youll end up losing at the same rate as if you were eating higher cals.

    So whos the dumbass now?

    I vote eat more.


    Eating so low does give the body a reason to harbor fat once the nutrients become available!
    Why give it that reason?

    Heres a study talking about what I mean.

    Its all reletive to height, weight, age, sex and activity level.
    Someone sitting around at 1200 cals should be okay for a long time if they sit around.
    And if they have the fat to fuel it!
    But thats not always the case!
    youve got plenty of silliness running every day for miles and eating rabbit food and its not leading anywhere.
  • tinahatcher1
    I am on 1200 a day, and have found that when I add my exercising for the day it adds more caloried I can have. So if you want to eat more exercise more! also drink a lot, it helps flush the system and feel full. 1200 a day, just doesn't seem like enough. snacking healthy does make me not get so hungry between my meals. Good luck!
  • graceserrano
    graceserrano Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on that diet too, 1200 calories a day. By the afternoon of each day, I only have 300 calories to go. This motivates me to exercise so I can consume more calories. I jog really slow because I am 50 years old but my heart rate gets up fast so that's good. Also, fruit like apples, mangoes, pineapple and watermelon help me keep my mood up when I start to get hungry. Good luck!
  • soaringlikeaneagle70
    I am on 1200 a day. Most times I can keep to it. other times i go over. I am happy with it though.:smile:
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Eat lots of low-calorie, nutritious meals & it will begin to seem like too many calories -- you'll be wondering what to fill yourself up with to hit 1200! I'm 1200 too, & I've changed most of my diet to healthy foods except cereal to oatmeal; when I start making egg white omelettes, I would be missing quite a few calories that I would need to makeup sometime during the day. :)
  • tellascott
    I'm on a 1200 a day, and with my typical work schedule i usually have no problem staying within that amount, but i always know i have that wiggle room for cheating on the weekends, which is usually when i make up for not eating much during the work week. I fin ont he weekends, I tend to scoot up between 1400 and 1700 a day.
  • IrshRnr56
    IrshRnr56 Posts: 47 Member
    haha maybe that is why I'm irritable!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Holy thread resurrection!

    To answer the question...

    ...yes, others are on 1200 a day, but most of them seem genuinely unhappy. Those that aren't haven't been at 1200 very long. It seems more people find lasting success from higher amounts.

    (And yes, I know, some of you out there are 4' 8" and totally inactive, so sure, 1200 may be the right number for you. For everyone else, I still believe it is probably too low.)

    ETA: And for those who are on 1200 calories, I hope you are very careful and deliberate about what you eat. It can be very challenging to get all of the nutrients you need for optimal health in so little food. Impossible? No...but very challenging.
  • ChristinaAndrews
    I'm on 1200 too & I'm actually finding that I don't often reach my goal. This may be because I try to eat small meals throughout the day so I'm always eating but never too many calories at once
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I tried it a long long long time ago and I was miserable. I eat 1430 now, or even more if I'm hungry. I also eat back almost all of my exercise calories (usually at least 80%, if not all of them).

    Hey, what can I say? I like to eat! :)

    This is pretty much me. I was 1200 for a while, but was hungry and cranky. I am now at 1550, it is still working fantastically for me, and I am not hungry!
  • ChristinaAndrews
    Yes I thought so too! But I dont find myself starving and I do allow a "cheat" day to exceed 1200, but not by much. Eat slowly, taste your food, enjoy it! Drink your 8-10 glasses of water, be wise with the calories! If I go to a resturaunt I look up food on the menu before ordering to see how many calories I have to work with!

    I'm on 1200 too and your advice sounds great!
  • KatieT451956
    I'M on 1200 per day , I have only been doing this for two weeks, the first two weeks I wasn't able to get all 1200 in. (Strange, it was never a problem before, usually I was eating around 3000 per day). However today for the first time, I am finding myself really hungry. In 2 weeks I lost 14 lbs but, part of it because I was really ill last week-end.
    Do you think I should increase it a little?? My weight is 216.3 now. I'm new at this and any direction would help.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    Yes. I lost all of my weight on 1200-1300 cals. I did not eat back exercise calories. The only thing I did vary was the amount of exercise. At first all I could manage was 15 min walking on the treadmill 4 days a week. I increased it gradually over the past 2 years (it took me 19 months to lose 180 lbs) and today I RUN 6+ miles 6 days a week and work out in the pool for an hour a day. I am working on maintaining and now eat about 1400 cals, but then I binge and gain a -10 pounds back, so I immediatly go back to 1200 until I lose it again. It is difficult to stick to 1200 and I would say if you think it is too strict for you that I would do 1400 and see how it goes. You have to experiment what works for you.