Lost my motivation .

Hi everyone! Well since December started I lost all my motivation . I started eating alot and gained 2lbs. I always say "Ok, tomorrow is a new day, I'm just going to start over" but tomorrow come and then I just bing . I really need some help. Can anyone help me or give me some advice? And how do u guys stay motivated?


  • dennisnguyen
    dennisnguyen Posts: 28 Member
    I've been in a similar situation last year.

    What I did to motivate myself was ask myself the following question: "How bad do I want to change my body?"

    What helped me even more was having a printed calendar that maps out what I'll be doing for exercise on each day. On each day that I completed an exercise routine, I get to mark off each day with a red "X". When I see more days with the "X", I know that I'm reaching my goal with each passing day. I still continue this tradition today. Just seeing a large number of X's on my calendar is motivating.

    I can go on and on about the many ways that I motivate myself, but I'll keep this post on the shorter side. Over the year, I needed to become a great self motivator because I'm surrounded by demotivators or other unsupportive people everyday.

    Good luck. Make a lot of friends on this site. They are a great source of motivation and support. Request sent.
  • plomk1
    plomk1 Posts: 4
    Thank you soo much for the advice and for the request (:
  • acdeed
    acdeed Posts: 36 Member
    Stay focused on your goals. I put a picture of what I would like to look like by June on my bathroom mirror and I also found a few local fitness buddies to workout with and support me in my journey. Joining MFP has also been an awesome accompaniment. Join a few Groups or Challenges. We are here to support you. Also get others involved like coworkers, family, friends.
  • LOOK FOR IT! I am sure if you look around you, there are a lot of people including yourself that want you to be healthier and live longer. My motivation was lost for almost six months and then my sister reminded me that we have children and young adults who need us. We are teaming up to be heathier and live longer for them. Hope this help... hang in there, losing weight and sticking to it is hard.:smile:
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    set up a schedule where you have to cross things off, also whats helped me is to find the type of music that gets you up and moving.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hi everyone! Well since December started I lost all my motivation . I started eating alot and gained 2lbs. I always say "Ok, tomorrow is a new day, I'm just going to start over" but tomorrow come and then I just bing . I really need some help. Can anyone help me or give me some advice? And how do u guys stay motivated?
    All of this self-flagellation over 2 lbs?

    I might feel this way if I were to let fly my diet for a few weeks and gain 20lbs.
    I'd feel horrible about myself.
    But 2 lbs?

    That's just a 2 week recovery - one week if I really want to kick it in gear.

    You must decide how to turn this around NOW before it turns into a 20lb failure. Attach pain to failure and pleasure to success, focusing on the misery of the consequences of being fat vs the joys of being fit.

    We all say we want to be fit, but our actions determine if it is really so.

    How bad do you want this?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i dislike all this "starting over" garbage. it implies that you have a clean slate, but you don't. your past is still there, and you must learn from your mistakes. you gained weight for a reason, and you need to learn why.

    if you need motivation, read this and watch the video at the end. http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/08/31/is-it-really-worth-it/
  • You need to set small achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach it. That is how I stay motivated. If in one month, I reach my goal of losing 5 pounds, I reward myself with a brand new pair of shoes that I really really want. This helps me stay on track and keeps me motivated. I also have made friends on here who cheer me on and help me keep on track. If you wish, you can add me as a friend, and we can go through the weight loss journey together. Good luck and I wish you all the best!
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    2lbs is really nothing in the larger picture. weight fluctuations occur for many good and bad reasons. to stay committed you need to hold yourself accountable above all else. make schedules and to-do lists which you list working out, etc. on it. there are so many supporters here as well as challenges you can join to motivate yourself. i can is shorter than i can't.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    The first thing I would do is sit down with paper and try to write things out. Try to determine why you lost your motivation. Was it the stress of the holiday's? Weather? Work? Were you drinking more? Not sleeping enough? Be honest with yourself. I lost a lot of motivation in December because there are so many sweets around and I really don't like the season. So I ended up saying "screw it - I am just going to eat". I didn't really enjoy what I was eating and I didn't really like myself for eating it. Then try to figure out a way to solve the problem or work with it.

    Through trial and error I have found that weekly goals really work for me. I have a long-term goal and I keep that in mind as I make weekly ones. I sit down on Sunday night or Monday morning and plan my week and that includes my workouts and I put them on the calendar. When they get done, they get circled in red. I also look back at the previous week and see how I did with the goals I set. Sometimes that means modifying the goals for the coming week. For example if you plan a Monday morning workout and you always sleep through it, either make your Monday workout later in the day or do a big Sunday workout and make Monday your rest day. Or make a bigger effort to get to bed earlier on Sunday night.

    Finally, be kind to yourself. Yes, you lost motivation, but you were doing something right to only gain 2 lbs. There is no need to beat yourself up. Accept what happened, try to figure out why so you won't repeat it, and move forward.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    i dislike all this "starting over" garbage. it implies that you have a clean slate, but you don't. your past is still there, and you must learn from your mistakes. you gained weight for a reason, and you need to learn why.

    if you need motivation, read this and watch the video at the end. http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/08/31/is-it-really-worth-it/