slimming world or weight watchers.

hiya, how you all doing after Christmas and new year? just a quick question im wanting to join a group for slimming but not sure which to join weight watchers or slimming world?? what would everyone suggest?


  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Personally I tried Weight watchers online and I never bothered with it. I have used this site (FREE!!!!!) since April 2011 and I have lost over 40lbs. This site does everything and more. It has an amazing community and educates you about food and calorie counting. I found points harder as I didn't understand the science behind why certain things I thought were healthy could be higher in points.
    On here there is always someone who has been there and done that and answers your question any time of the day.
    This site is all you need baby! Give it a go
  • caroline1685
    caroline1685 Posts: 80 Member
    Personally I tried Weight watchers online and I never bothered with it. I have used this site (FREE!!!!!) since April 2011 and I have lost over 40lbs. This site does everything and more. It has an amazing community and educates you about food and calorie counting. I found points harder as I didn't understand the science behind why certain things I thought were healthy could be higher in points.
    On here there is always someone who has been there and done that and answers your question any time of the day.
    This site is all you need baby! Give it a go

    hiya thank you so much for your help, i have been on here since September and lost 23 pound but my weights stuck so i thought id give something else a try. but now im thinking what shall i do. lol, thank you would you mind if i added you as a friend.?

  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    It depends how and what you like to eat. My experience has been slimming world is easier if you like to prepare your meal from scratch and weight watches is easier if you like preprepared food like sauces in jars etc.

    Both work as long as you follow them so you need to find one you can follow most easily.

    Or, as Helen said, you can use MFP which has the advantage of being free, and you can eat absolutely anything you want as long as it fits in your calorie count.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Weight loss is common sense. And effort.

    No need to spend money on more than you have to. Use MFP as a guide and ask us any questions you have. Easy.
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Carloine,

    I've had experience of both of these. Slimming World for about 18 months, Weightwatchers for about 7 months. In many ways they are very similar. Having a good advisor is very important. You need one that listens to you and what you say and deals with you and your needs and requirements as an individual and not just keep pushing their products and reciting their generic mantra.

    Other than losing weight how do you want to do it? What are you expecting from them? If I know more i may be able to advise you better.

    Good luck with your future weightloss. I'm sure you will do it eventually. :smile:

  • caroline1685
    caroline1685 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Carloine,

    I've had experience of both of these. Slimming World for about 18 months, Weightwatchers for about 7 months. In many ways they are very similar. Having a good advisor is very important. You need one that listens to you and what you say and deals with you and your needs and requirements as an individual and not just keep pushing their products and reciting their generic mantra.

    Other than losing weight how do you want to do it? What are you expecting from them? If I know more i may be able to advise you better.

    Good luck with your future weightloss. I'm sure you will do it eventually. :smile:


    hiya pete
    thanks so much for replying, well to be honest what ever is the easiest to do, cheapest and child friendly as i have a little girl.
    im getting bored of weighing all the food, and just general help really. stuff about fats, sugar ,best meals, whats best meats, portions, like how much pasta rice per meal, like size of foods, how much food we need in our body stuff like that really. i think i may stick with calorie counting but also do weight watchers at home but not go to the meeting. as i have read up on it. whats the point in paying to get weighed if i can do it myself. i have lost nearly 2 stone on here so i must be doing something right lol
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I lost a fair bit of weight on ww. But I've lost a fair bit here too. I don't see much point in paying for a service you can get free at the point of usage online.
  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member

    Weight loss is common sense. And effort.

    No need to spend money on more than you have to. Use MFP as a guide and ask us any questions you have. Easy.

    Absolutely bang on reply. less cals in than out and some cardio. Whatever your level of fitness get a carido program to match it without putting you off...... Running is my preferred.

    Its as easy (simple) or as complicated as you make it.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    I tried weight watchers and hated it, I thought the portion sizes were too small and I was always hungry and tired. I tried slimming world and loved it, lost weight and loved the fact that I could eat as much as I wanted, was nevr hugry and felt great! In all honesty I have to say that I wouldn't recommend either. You can jazz it up however you want, make promises about why this is the best 'diet' to be on but the simple truth is tracking your calories in and out - mentally & emotionally this is the best thing I have ever done, I am in control of what I put in my mouth and I can exercise a bit more if I know I want to eat more or treat myself, I don't feel restricted!

    I would recommend that you make healthier choices, increase your physical activity and log everything on MFP - give it a month and if you don't like it - try something else but I am sure that you will find you get alot of gimmick free support and weight loss right here - for free!! Good luck! :drinker:
  • mos1971
    mos1971 Posts: 57 Member

    Weight loss is common sense. And effort.

    No need to spend money on more than you have to. Use MFP as a guide and ask us any questions you have. Easy.

    I agree MFP all the way but if you are still want to try slimming world
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    I tried both and was not impressed. Both groups were patronising. I think MFP will work for me as it is about support and not being reprimanded for not reaching ones weekly target.
  • Tried them both and lost a reasonable amount but neither of them taught me how to change my eating for the rest of my life - which we all need to do if we are going to get slim and stay that way.

    WW gives you a number of points per day so if I had used them all by lunchtime I starved for the rest of the day.

    Slimming world teaches you that some foods are free, so I ate them to the point of bursting.

    MFP has taught me about calorie counting, portion control, nutrition and exercise AND ITS FREE.
  • crashtestmac
    crashtestmac Posts: 1 Member
    I have done Slimming world for a year and lost 3 stone on it, you can eat loads and should never feel hungry and you can eat LOADS of pasta and rice and potatoes which gives you the fix you need.

    I am still going to class as i want to still lose another stone and a half.

    But that said WW does have a lot of on the run options, sandwiches and microwave meals, but most of them are OK on SW.
    I did WW years ago as well and did ok on that as well.

    The main thing for me is that i get a take away after i have weighed in then i am good for the week.... Helps to scratch the itch and you have a whole week to shift it again.... :-)
  • caroline1685
    caroline1685 Posts: 80 Member
    I have done Slimming world for a year and lost 3 stone on it, you can eat loads and should never feel hungry and you can eat LOADS of pasta and rice and potatoes which gives you the fix you need.

    I am still going to class as i want to still lose another stone and a half.

    But that said WW does have a lot of on the run options, sandwiches and microwave meals, but most of them are OK on SW.
    I did WW years ago as well and did ok on that as well.

    The main thing for me is that i get a take away after i have weighed in then i am good for the week.... Helps to scratch the itch and you have a whole week to shift it again.... :-)

    thanks for the reply with your advise, i love pasta, pots and and meat so i just thought it may suit me quite well,
    well done on your weight loss thats fab. i have tried slimming world be4 but couldnt get my head around it. i think i understand it more now though.
    i have lost 25 lb on mfp so i must be doing something right but just fancy a change. im hungry quite alot these days.
  • bexlynam
    bexlynam Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on slimming world, its easy enough once you get you head around the book :) so far i've lost 2 stone on it :) so i'm quite happy with it