Who is trying to or has lost over 100 pounds?

Anyone? I have AMAZING MFP friends. Just looking for some more that have some similar goals as me. In high school I was 130 pounds (I am 5'4"). Even then I have always been curvy. I steadily gained weight after high school. By 21 I was up to 170. I didn't look bad per say. I held my weight fairly well which is why it was never a pressing issue for me to lose weight. Once I turned 21 and the drinks started happening regularly I gained ANOTHER 20 pounds and then I got pregnant. So when is I started my pregnancy I was 190 pounds. Very rough time in my life. Def an emotional eater and def used the excuse of being pregnant to shove everything I wanted in my face. By the time I delivered I was a whopping 290 pounds. YIKES. 6 weeks after I had my first I was back down to 230lbs. This is where I would stay for the most part. I got down to 217, but that is the lowest I have been in the last 6 years. I got pregnant with my second in 2009. I gained 50 pounds when I had her and got right back to 230 shortly after having her, but then I had left my ex and depression set in. I was sad, lonely, and stressed out. So my weight went up to 275...yeah that's right almost the weight I was 9 months pregnant, but with no baby. I knew I had to do something...and quick. I have started MFP and stopped several times since 03/2010. Recently (since June) I have actually made some progress and used the site for support. I have lost 46 pounds. But guess what? I am at that 230ish mark again where my body seems to like to stay.

My main goal is to lose 137.5 pounds which is 1/2 of my weight. And just BARELY puts me in healthy weight range for my height. But I think my ultimate goal is 120.

Anywho just wondering who out there has a success story of over 100 pounds or who is trying. Would love some new friends with similar goals. Thank you all :)


  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Weight is lost by everyone the same way. Calorie deficit and patience and dedication. I lost 160 lbs in about 17 months. Diet is 80% of the equation. I have someone I've been helping lose weight and she's lost almost 100 lbs in 9 months eating 1500 calories per day and doing little cardio. (She does have an active job, though)