weights with women.....less weight and more reps?



  • stubsy1968
    stubsy1968 Posts: 165 Member
    A great site I've found some fabulous info on:


    Hope this will also give you some insight. Results depend on what you want to achieve and how your body reacts to your chosen weights and of course nutrition.

    Keep your diet clean, minimise or eliminate processed foods to drop body fat. This is where you will start to see definition and not before.

    "Abs are made in the kitchen"

    Good luck!

  • stubsy1968
    stubsy1968 Posts: 165 Member
    Tickers mean nothing I change mine to 0 every 24 pds or quarterly which ever comes first. You can put anything on your ticker. There sure are a lot of snarky people here.Unless you are qualified to give advice with some type of degree, and or license the advice you give is only a opinion.

    Agree totally. No use giving negative/narkly feedback I think. We're all here for a common cause - aren't we?
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Another vote for lifting heavy and New Rules and nerdfitness. And, ya, def Staci the superhero.

    Also, if you don't yet want to lift heavy, but don't want to lift light, here's another option. I got a lot out of not-light-dumbbells with Nike Training Club, an awesome ipod app.
  • eurohim
    eurohim Posts: 1
    Topic Resurrection!

    Women and men should lift the same way. Muscles can get only bigger or smaller. Low reps like 3 sets of 5 (or fewer) with progression once you are able to complete 3x5 is more strength-oriented (you can increase the weight and lower the reps for more strength-to-size, but the risk of injury increases). Sets of 8-12 are considered more geared towards size gain. More than 12 is endurance and can actually start burning your muscle away.

    As a woman, you'll have a hard time getting bigger to any large degree. On top of that you'll need to eat a lot more to really gain any size. If you stay at the maintenance for the size you want, you'll get a good chunk of the strength and very little of the size.

    "Toning" is your body fat percentage. Your muscles pop more when you make them bigger as well. So, if you want more tone, do whatever strength training you choose at 12 rep sets or fewer based on the strength-size ratio you prefer (3x5 for strength in your case) and drop your body fat by decreasing your calories no more than enough to average a loss of 2lbs per week maximum. If you drop your calories too much, your body will have to start burning lean muscle mass just to keep you alive. You will lose some muscle on a cut (diet to drop body fat), but you can maintain a good amount of it if you make sure it is less than 2lbs a week and you maintain a heavy rep range (3x5). Don't start going light on the weights during a cut.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    I do Both!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Bump because I saw a beast of a woman at the gym!! And I don't want to turn into that!!

    Statements like these amuse me. If you don't want to look like the woman at the gym, it's very unlikely that you would put in the work to get that way in the first place. It doesn't accidentally happen. They don't look in the mirror and go, "Oh noes! I am so muscley now, what have I done?!"