Exercise... morning or evening?



  • Jackie218
    Jackie218 Posts: 116 Member
    I like to get it over with in the morning ( i feel better afterwards) but i also do 2 workouts on some days so once in the AM and PM I usually do the 2nd one when im watching one of my favorite tv shows @night so that im not tempted to sit on the couch and snack away for an hr so ill do the elliptical or stationary bike while my show is on :)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    The best time to work out is whenever you do it. Whatever works with your life is the best time.

    I make excuses in the evening why I have no time, so I wake up early and go then. I am too tired to make excuses at 5:30 and then it is done for the day.
  • for an intense workout Id say evening as it burns up your remaining energy of the day and exercise lightly in a morning to kick start your metabolism. mid day to evening is the best in my opinion but not everyone can train around that time due to other responsibillitys, good luck
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  • mlke4258
    I prefer mornings on a empty stomach. I am freshly rested, hydrated from the day before and getting cramps and what not is eliminated almost entirely.
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    I try to workout a couple hours after I've taken in a lot of carbs to make sure I'm using them before they get turned into fat, so usually midday around 4PM. However, running or lifting in the morning has always made me feel great throughout the rest of the day and not really hungry, so it's basically about preference.
  • belladonna_3k
    I've come to the conclusion that evening works best for me... with the exception of my days off, when I do it mid-afternoon. Early morning just wasn't working well for me. Thanks for the feedback!
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I have to work out in the morning. If I work out at night I can't sleep. The only thing I can do at night is Yoga or just a slow casual walk on the Gazelle.