Does anyone else just...NOT get hungry?



  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    I'm not trying to be funny, but I do want to be real with you. You had to eat to gain weight initially. If your appetite has totally left, then something might be wrong. You might not want to eat a whole bunch of lettuce and grapes, but you mean to tell me you never want a milkshake? Maybe your appetite isn't being stimulated by what you are eating.


    I actually gained weight because of medication I was on for Bipolar Disorder, not because of overeating. And no, I don't ever want a milkshake, lol, I don't like them. I'd actually prefer the lettuce and grapes.

    Therapist, and have Bipolar D/O and take the meds. The meds themselves don't make you gain weight. They overstimulate your appetite which makes you eat. That, paired with inactivity, causes the weight gain. No matter what medicine you are taking, you still have to eat above maintenance to gain weight. That being said, even if the medications are what caused you to have an increased appetite, you had to eat something at a high enough calorie level to gain weight. That would take A LOT of lettuce- grapes, maybe not so much because of the natural sugar content. Basically, it doesn't matter what your food preferences were and why you were eating, you ate to get to around 250.

    Most people, with the exception of those with ED or histories of ED, get hungry. Hunger is a biological mechanism that our body developed to make sure we survive. It physically works in everyone, but sometimes, as in the case of ED, cognitive distortions block the signals. Also happens in some physical conditions.

    Not saying you have an ED, but not getting hungry is abnormal. If it is a routine thing for you, you should see a professional and figure out what's up. If you don't figure out how to jumpstart your appetite, I believe you will find weight loss to be a futile effort. Your body isn't going to give up its stored energy (fat) if you aren't giving it more (calories).

    Every person is different. I was never inactive. I did softball, I did soccer, I did karate 6 days a week, 1-1 and a half hours a day, I had a ridiculously active Lab that needed to be walked for at least an hour, twice a day. I was a waitress (doesn't sound like an active thing, but it definitely is) for 3 and a half years. The only time I was inactive was for a brief period about a year ago, and surprisingly I didn't gain any weight.

    Not only that, but once I switched off that specific medication, my weight started to go down.

    Not only that (again), but I was told by a doctor who I saw on a regular basis that there was an extremely high possibility that it had slowed down my metabolism and that was the reason for the weight gain.

    Please, don't assume your situation is the same for everyone.

    I have to chime in here. No, I do not have that problem, but I was on anti-depressant meds and gained 50 pounds. Maybe they did cause an increase in appetite, but I counted my calories and worked out for 3 months and didn't lose one pound. Once I realized it could be the meds, I got off of them and slowly, but surely lost the weight. Not quite all of it yet, but about 40 of it.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Sometimes I feel the same way except I can't go days without eating but I don't always have much of an appetite and I eat probably only twice a day.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Please, don't assume your situation is the same for everyone.

    Can I bug and ask if it was Depakote?
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Please, don't assume your situation is the same for everyone.

    Can I bug and ask if it was Depakote?

    No, it wasn't, though I've heard that's a common issue. My aunt was on it and gained weight pretty quickly.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Haha wish i had this issue...
  • SammySingally
    Danie (can I call you that?), I could have written what you wrote myself (the first post in this topic).

    I don't know what it feel like to be hungry like I've never felt hungry. Ever.
    It's 6:59pm and all I've had today has been....2 glasses of water and that was just because I had just finished working out and didn't want to get dehydrated.

    Usually, my parents call daily or if we're under the same room, ask if I've eaten something, when and how many meals I've had and then they force me to eat if I haven't eaten anything yet and if I say I'm not hungry (which is never an excuse because I never get hungry) they're like, "you have to eat now!"

    I have gone 6 days without eating before. I ate on the 7th day because my parents forced me to.

    I don't force myself to not eat, I just don't feel hungry so I don't feel the need to eat anything and then I end up not eating anything.

    I know it's unhealthy. Sometimes, I judge by the time of day to know when I have to eat something, but other times, like now, no matter what time it is, I just don't give a hoot and I just don't eat a thing.