Any others that work in the Veterinary field?

Kimipeli808 Posts: 9 Member
I work in a 4 doctor practice that is in a remodeled house built in the late 1800's. It has 3 stories with the business upstairs, the main part of the hospital on the middle floor and the kennels/runs on the lower floor.

I put a pedometer on yesterday for the heck of it and it showed I walked 3 miles!!! LOL I had no idea! I work in what they call the middle. After they check in with the receptionist, I go get them, get the weight of the pet, then put them in the room, get vitals and history and why they are hear. Then I go enter that in the computer, and get the vet they are seeing. We have 3 waiting rooms that ALWAYS have clients in them from 8am to 6pm and I work 10 hour shifts. I also fill in up front and as a Tech in the back, as I am well cross trained :)

All that you count your work as a "workout" on here? I notice this week that on the days I'm only upfront I'm not hungry, but then I'm sitting a lot more. But the last 3 days in the middle and back I STARVED all day with the same amount of food to eat. And that got me wondering if I should be tracking my work as a "workout" on here to and add more calories?

And on a side note...have clients stopped bringing you "holiday" food? Because ours have NOT! We got two 3lb boxes of Sees candy this week alone with 4 clients bringing more damn cookies! I want to hang a sign that says DON'T FEED THE STAFF! lol