Should we take Sundays 'off'?

I have given chocolate up for new year. HUGE thing for me as it made up about 50% of my diet before :laugh:
So have been thinking.. as today's Sunday, the day of rest, should I take a break from my chocolate fast (like some people do during Lent) or would that be the beginning of the slippery slope...?


  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    If you are a huge chocolate fan then i would not go cold turkey right off the bat cause it will not work. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself once a week as long as you dont go over board with it
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    it depends on your willpower really. i use sundays as my free day - i still log but i dont stick to my calories as strictly. as long as i dont go over maintenance im good. but im also able to get right back on track monday morning and not beat my self up about what happened sunday.
    i also dont do it every sunday, only when ive really been craving something (usually something from a restaurant) and havent been able to satisfy it within my calorie goals during the week.
  • I can only speak for myself, but if I deem something completely off limits, I want it more. When I started with MFP it was with the intent of controlling portions, but not depriving myself of things I truly love. IMHO, I think you're entitled to your chocolate! Steer towards dark as it's healthier but don't cut it out of your life! :)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I have sunday as my high cal (or spike) day as I 'm a yorkshire lass and brought up having a traditional roast dinner every sunday.

    so I allow scrambled eggs on toast or BLT in a corn tortilla for my sunday brunch after been to nature park with the dog and dinner is a mini yorkie with usually lamb or chicken and 2-3 veg, sometimes I allow 1-2 small roast potatoes depending how my weight loss is going!

    I had a brandy and coke and a choc brownie as well today!.. but I did exercise too this morning so they should be covered.

    Back to low cal/low carb tomorrow!
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    UGGG . I just wrote a post on my page about this! With the nutrition plan I follow I'm given Sundays off as my free day. No food restrictions and a rest day from excersize. I have 3 HUGE paper shopping bags full of candy, chocolate, cheesecrackers, etc given to us by friendws over the holidays. I just know that if I start sifting through the box of cheez crckers and chocolatres I'm going to go OVERBOARD. Like, pop that box open and zombie out.

    I almost feel paralyzed by the thought of ruining my past weeks diet/excersize. I'm thinking I did so well last week - I don't want to stop. So I'm going to have to go into GO GO GADGET WILLPOWER mode on my free day. I'll probably eat healthy and do a light bike ride until the evening when the DH and I have our sunday night picnic then have a bit of junk food in moderation.

  • I've just started with MFP, but find that it works better for me personally to not have any food be off limits, ever. Knowing I can have it anytime makes me crave it a bit less. This past week I've discovered that mint M&Ms are 7 calories each; Hershey's kisses are 25; Dove Promises are 40-something. I've been using bits of chocolate as that "just a little something" with coffee after dinner.

    Edited to add: I am also going to be taking Sunday as a free day. No calorie counting, just a total break. If I don't, I'm afraid I'll end up rebelling. Plus I've heard that it can actually help prevent plateaus.
  • Sunday is my new free day. I still stay pretty close to 1200 net calories, but allow myself some splurges. They taste so much better when you dont have them on a regular basis. Today was an everything bagel with cream cheese for lunch. It was so dang good!!!
  • My best friend is the Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate square is 55 calories. I can eat one and they are a good size and satisfy the sweet I tell myself that Dark chocolate is good for me-lol-and it doesn't put you into a major calorie overload!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks for all your replies! I have decided that Sunday will be a 'free' day IF I want it to be. But it doesn't mean going completely crazy. Just letting myself have some chocolate as I'm not eating it Mon - Sat..