Planning your meals weekly/daily

Well tomorrow's another Monday, another start to a new week and a new me!

I'm changing things up a little this week, because I haven't been seeing the results I'd hoped for, ...results I know are obtainable.
Why??? I stray from my nutritional map, when I am not prepared and don't have a plan!

I am following through with exercise and getting to the gym 5 days a week with terrific calorie burns. It's the eating, especially on weekends that is my biggest derailed.
So, I am about to sit down and plan out one week of meals and snacks. I have to be honest and say I've never stuck to such a plan or any diet for a whole week. Once written I'm headed to Kroger to buy anything needed.
Anyone else find that this helps???


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    All of my meals and main snacks are carefully planned. I buy what I need for the week, and nothing else.

    If I have a major calorie deficit due to exercise, and want something extra, I pick it up on the way home. That way, it's never in the house when I shouldn't be eating it.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Oh definitely! I plan our family dinners for the week and I used to plan my lunches as well. I've gotten to the point that I know what to have on hand for healthy lunches and I eat the same thing for breakfast everyday....but having a week's worth of dinners planned works so well. I log it in at the start of the day and fill in the rest of my foods/meals for the day. Then I stick to the plan and adjust as necessary. I don't see how I could do it any other way.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Yes, yes, and yes! If I have to decide what to eat when I'm already hungry, it's game over. If I have it planned, I have no trouble staying the course.
  • dcjackson50
    Cheryl, great point about not having stuff in the house.....less temptation.
  • dcjackson50
    Carrie, does it feel too constrictive? Also what are you eating for breakfast everyday ???
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    I often fill out my diary the day before, I know something could come up and it might change, but generally I stick to it. It definitely makes it easier for me. I can add in more healthy snacks for extra calories, rather than eating something "bad" because there's nothing else there.
  • rainman3k
    rainman3k Posts: 174 Member
    I often fill out my diary the day before, I know something could come up and it might change, but generally I stick to it. It definitely makes it easier for me. I can add in more healthy snacks for extra calories, rather than eating something "bad" because there's nothing else there.

    I have done this the last two weeks and it has been a big help and less time consuming. For me it means eating a little more leftovers as I will make a healthy core dish (like baked chicken breasts) and then switch up the sides to give me variety, but it is so easy to stay with in my goals.

    I also found that picking a good breakfast that I repeat each day through the week is helping me save some time and jump start the day.
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    i plan daily! i fill it out as the day starts and plan to stick to it.

    much easier to plan a day ahead than a week ahead because you never know what situations that could come up and affect your eating plans.
  • dcjackson50
    i plan daily! i fill it out as the day starts and plan to stick to it.

    much easier to plan a day ahead than a week ahead because you never know what situations that could come up and affect your eating plans.

    I thought I was doing pretty good with the daily plan ...but ended up starving too often. (especially after the gym). I'm going to give the weekly plan a go. Sounds like most of the replies show it helps
  • dcjackson50
    I often fill out my diary the day before, I know something could come up and it might change, but generally I stick to it. It definitely makes it easier for me. I can add in more healthy snacks for extra calories, rather than eating something "bad" because there's nothing else there.

    I have done this the last two weeks and it has been a big help and less time consuming. For me it means eating a little more leftovers as I will make a healthy core dish (like baked chicken breasts) and then switch up the sides to give me variety, but it is so easy to stay with in my goals.

    I also found that picking a good breakfast that I repeat each day through the week is helping me save some time and jump start the day.

    I'm seeing a lot of people like to stick with the same breakfast each day,....definitely a time saver, I'm adding some EAS protein drinks to my shopping list, I don't always have time for cereal
  • tamiwinters1
    Good idea! I basically buy my staple healthy things to have on hand every week ie: spring mix, tomatoes, lowfat cottage cheese, light string cheese, kashi lean cereal, soy, light greek yogurt, veggies and hummus. That covers my breakfasts, salad's and snacks. Then I make sure we have chicken breast on hand for healthy protein options for dinners. I don't really plan dinners out, but we keep brown rice and veggies on hand to pair with the chicken. Just making sure you have healthy options on hand will make a big difference. My only other advice is to make sure the meals are easy to prepare. If it is going to be a hassle and I am tired I am more likely to stop and get something quick on the way home, which is usually a recipe for disaster (ie: fast food or pizza) :) Good luck my friend! Let me know how it goes, ok? :)
  • dcjackson50
    Good idea! I basically buy my staple healthy things to have on hand every week ie: spring mix, tomatoes, lowfat cottage cheese, light string cheese, kashi lean cereal, soy, light greek yogurt, veggies and hummus. That covers my breakfasts, salad's and snacks. Then I make sure we have chicken breast on hand for healthy protein options for dinners. I don't really plan dinners out, but we keep brown rice and veggies on hand to pair with the chicken. Just making sure you have healthy options on hand will make a big difference. My only other advice is to make sure the meals are easy to prepare. If it is going to be a hassle and I am tired I am more likely to stop and get something quick on the way home, which is usually a recipe for disaster (ie: fast food or pizza) :) Good luck my friend! Let me know how it goes, ok? :)

    Thanks buddy, I will update you at te end of the week!!!! You gave me a good idea though which is to think a little about what my "staple foods" are. For me cottage cheese and cheese strings are also on my list, ....just need to think about others and you re right, Easy things to prepare!!
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I have my staples that I buy for the week for breakfast, lunch and snacks. I grocery shop once a week so I like to have my dinners pretty much planned out ahead of time. I find I do much better with planning ahead. Good luck and you will eventually figure out what works for you!!
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    I do this. And have for several years. It's a HUGE hep - nutritionally, logistically, financially.

    In fact, I just posted a new thread with my meal plan for the week.
  • Maria_t02
    I am going to say planning would so help, however I am not the type to plan I like to have an idea but i never make decisions until I have to! :)
  • ChubzMcGee
    I really need to start planning, my boyfriend just seems to constantly buy takeaways though and he lives on unhealthy junk food all the time (never puts on a pound though - grr!) I try my best to keep away from this junk food and i haven't really done so well so far this year but I need to start! so i am going to plan my evening meals for the week monday - friday now, wish me luck!!!
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    I had the same problem...I was working out but my food intake was horrible! Last week I cooked for the week and added a salad and that worked for me! I am very focused during the week but its the weekend that is my worse enemy (i dont even drink as much water) so I have got to get better!

    I am having a hard time time thinking of quick and easy meals to prepare that will last me all week long!

    I know we are going to get it together and start shedding pounds because this is the hardest that I have EVERY worked on my weight and it is going to pay off!

    Keep the FAITH
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I think when you're starting out, planning out your meals and snacks is a great idea until you start to just naturally consume healthier stuff. I used MFP for almost a year before, and then fell off the wagon for about six months (husband was deployed, was watching my friend's kid over the summer, and just a whole lot of letting life get in the way), and just got back. I'm starting to remember what I found the real benefit of this website to be as I've started logging again. It really makes you look at food differently. You really think about how many calories that soda is, or how long you have to slog away on the elliptical just to burn off one hershey bar. I used to write down really 'bad' stuff I ate in the pocket notebook that I used to track my workouts at the gym. One of the big ones for me was the gerturde hawk dark chocolate raspberry filled bunnies (my mom gave me a box last year). I think it was like 58 calories for 2 of them, and one day I payed attention to how long I had to go on the exercise bike to burn just one serving off, and it really changed my opinion of them. As you start to notice these things, and start to really think about how hard you'll have to work to burn off those calories, you start to change what foods you are attracted to. For instance, french fries and/or potato chips are pretty bad for you to have on a consistent basis. My husband is making burgers for dinner tonight, so I grabbed a bag of raw carrot chips at the grocery store yesterday that I'll have with mine instead of potato chips. Until you really get into that mindset, though, it is a really good idea to plan ahead and try to stick with it.
  • mjane166
    Last January, my husband and I decided we needed to cook at home more. We had been eating out at least 4 times a week and not only was it not healthy, but it cost a lot of money. We plan on the calendar from Sunday to Saturday our dinners. We also think about lunches and breakfast for the grocery shop, but don't actually plan exactly what we will have every day for those meals. It helps knowing that I'm having a low calorie dinner so I can splurge more on lunch, or a high calorie dinner and need to skimp a little during the day. It also helps knowing what we will be eating, because many times I would rather eat what we planned for dinner than going out to eat. When we plan, we also know what our schedule is like, so we also note gym days and times, meetings, work schedule, so our meal is planned around how much time we will have. It worked so well last year, and we have kept it up. It takes a bit to get into the swing of planning, but I love it, and it really saves time and money in the long run. Good luck.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I have my staples that I buy for the week for breakfast, lunch and snacks. I grocery shop once a week so I like to have my dinners pretty much planned out ahead of time. I find I do much better with planning ahead. Good luck and you will eventually figure out what works for you!!
    I do the same. And same breakfast each day helps too - I'm not a morning person at all, so not having to THINK about breakfast is great!