lipotropic injections

Hi folks, I am nissafull and this is my newest attempt at weight loss and tracking it on here with MFP... I am seeing a weightloss professional and am taking lipotropic injections to speed up my metabolism. The facility suggested I go on Spark People to track, but Lord it is so difficult to set up and follow... so in short. I am back with MFP. I hope this year will get me back on track. Last year was tough. After 30 years of working with the same dentist in the same practice, the dentist retired with one weeks notice. We, the staff, were devastated. Our new dentist came on board. He is much younger than us and his style of dentistry was a bit different. Needless to say, schedules were in an uproar, no time to eat properly, cortisol levels going sky high, and emotional eating has gotten the best of me. I am going to try to use MFP as a support tool as well as tracking, so guys I am looking for some friends on here. No, I am not interested in buying of the products that some are peddling, just support. Thanks for reading my story. Again I am nissafull. Looking forward to being friended and supported.


  • dasblondie
    dasblondie Posts: 100 Member
    feel free to add me....i am almost at my weight loss goal...6lbs more to go, but im sure i will be tracking for quite a while after just to maintain. I work at an eye dr and am pretty much there most of the time and also have a 7 year old daughter that takes up all of my time not at work, so i understand no time to plan meals!! What are the injections you are getting, i have never heard of them...i am just curious if you would like to share :) Look forward to becoming MFP friends :)