Is MFP depressing?



  • inammorata
    No, I don't find MFP depressing. Actually I've found it positive to see and read the success stories motivates me even more. :)

    The thing with FB, I'm skeptical when I see people posting about how fabulous their lives are (what are they hiding that they need to present themselves as so great?) Maybe it's just me because I've had that experience where someone I knew who had a crappy life was always making up stories about how much better she was then everyone else. Example: if you lost 10 lbs she lost 20, if you got a week off work she got two weeks off, etc...yeah it was a bunch of lies because she didn't want to face that her reality was meh.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Just as life often is MFP is what you make of it.
    I have met here and eventually in real life some of the greatest people and friends that I have ever known.

    When things seem in a rut it is easy to get down,that is human nature and we all go through it,that is when having friends to lend a shoulder or a kick in the butt matter.
  • ScrewyChars-13040707
    Just as life often is MFP is what you make of it.
    I have met here and eventually in real life some of the greatest people and friends that I have ever known.

    When things seem in a rut it is easy to get down,that is human nature and we all go through it,that is when having friends to lend a shoulder or a kick in the butt matter.

    i so agree with u babe
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I look at everyone and some are behind me and some are ahead of me and i realize that honestly it is a journey that i have control of. I am totally capable of this and it's just doing the time and giving the effort to accomplish a very worth while goal.
  • harryzrw
    I would say to you....If your at a plateau don't give up. Sit down with a rational mind and see for yourself what your doing incorrectly. I have been ( heavy/ Fat ) my whole life. I just started doing this 2 weeks ago and lost 7 lbs. And most importantly thing positive and it's all about you. Don't let this get you down. I weigh now 380...I was as high as 440. I have a bad heart and diabetes has done me in since I was 28. Back then I didn't care. Now I have to care or I die young...Not even 60 yet...Harold, NJ :bigsmile:
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    MFP is the most positive and motivating website I have ever been on.

  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    i think that MFP depresses me every time I read about how somebody is doing something stupid to their body, like jumping onto the latest fad diet, or if they are constantly complaining that it's all too hard to exercise.

    All I want to do is jump through the screen and smack them.

    HOWEVER - by being fortunate enough to eliminate those types of people from my friends list and have lots of friends who achieve amazing things every day, consistently, and eat well, has led to my success here.

    If you use this site the way it was intended it is the most inspirational, motivational place I have ever found. But I can certainly see how some are not successful here if they get bogged down in the drama and surround themselves with people who they cannot grow from.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I'm not on face book. This is actually my first experience with the whole "social networking" thing. I've only been actively on here as far as sharing with others and adding friends since just before Christmas. I have to say, I love it. I am so absolutely encouraged by all the successes, and encouragement, and stories.. and I love the weight loss tickers. I'm not there yet as far as big loss numbers, but it's so nice to know that it's possible. This site also inspires me to work out, even if I don't want to, because I'm gonna share it later, and it pushes me to do the right thing. By the same token, when someone's having a hard time, I can so relate and try to offer them some kind of support or inspiration. It's a win win. :flowerforyou:

    So no, I don't find this site depressing. I find my scale depressing, but that's another blog entirely!
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    I flippin' love this place. Nothing about it depresses me. Nothing.

    I am here so that I could become a healthier and, therefore, happier person. It'd be counter-productive to sign on and feel discouraged by the successes of others. If anything, I am constantly inspired by the amazing accomplishments of so many people here.

    It's all about perspective.
