Has anyone tried/had success with Alli?



  • sylviagjimerson
    sylviagjimerson Posts: 15 Member
    I took it and had some success. I didn't have the side effects mentioned because my diet didn't include a lot of fatty foods anyway.
  • bethie0828
    bethie0828 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you all what took the time to message! I don't know if I am really going to use it, but I wanted opinions. Thanks again for all the info, and great details, lol!!!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I have been taking it for about 7 months and I have to honestly say it is the only way I started losing weight. It scares the **** out of you for lack of a better term. It makes you not want to have an accident so you make much better choices. I will probably always take it.......it really does work because if you eat really healthy you will not have to worry about having an accident. It sucks 25% of the fat out of the food you do eat and it even helped me lose cholesterol, I went from 243 to 208! Anymore questions just friend me and ask away!
  • I tried it and had constant headaches the first few days. Just wasn't worth it.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    The side effects only happen if you eat too much fat, this is an insurance pill that you eat right, therefore you lose weight!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I have a bottle of it sitting in my closet too.

    Too worried to try it because of the side effects.
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    I had a friend that said her *kitten* leaked orange yellowy poo...that's gross. Not worth it, IMHO.
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    If you have been doing OK without it, then you don't need it. Instead of using a diet pill to make you watch your fat intake, why don't you just watch your fat intake yourself?

    Aren't you just a little suspicious of something that has sideffects like that? Even as unpleasant as they are, nothing should do that to your body and still be healthy.

    So, just eat healthy, with a reasonable calorie deficit, watch your macros, and exercise, and you should watch the scale and inches drip off little by little.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I went to the doctor, he didn't even investigate why I wasn't loosing weight just gave me Orlistat. After reading the info leaflet for side effects was far too terrified to touch it!
  • yes i have used Alli. It worked for me but you get yourself in a vicious cycle that when you stop you gain it back. and if you eat any fat you will have loose oily stools and a lot of gas. i spent a lot of money on it and glad i am off of it now and am loosing weight on my own.
  • I tried it and it doesn't work at all! I have tried them all . The only one that works is a prescription drug called adapex? (Spelled wrong. ) But if you remember phen phen it is one of the phens! I had to beg my doctor for it. He took me off after 4 months I lost 17 lbs quick! I have kept it off too!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Tried it once, years ago. Turned my stomach upside down. Does all the orange oily stuff everyone has mentioned. If you are a stay at home person, you might get away with using it. I can't imagine how anyone could work and use it. Especially if you had a cough. So if you don't have a job and if you don't have a relationship where you have a sexual relations, and you don't mind the orange oil, or the undie stains, or the possibility you might smell bad, or have a stomach ache, then you could try it. I threw my prescription for it in the trash. I have heard people say you don't get such horrible side effects if you don't eat fatty foods, but if people can resist eating fatty foods then they would not need them to begin with.
  • Miss_Tish
    Miss_Tish Posts: 1 Member
    A lot of what people are saying is true. I took it and lost 7 lbs in about 2 months or so. Remember this is not a long term pill, but it will give you a jumpstart to your weightloss journey. But, before you start taking it you want to eat clean for about 3 days to reduce any of the side effects of the oily discharge. You can also wear panty liners to protect under garments. Because of the side effects, taking the pill forces you to eat clean and if you eat anything with fat, you want to stay close to a bathroom as the pills work pretty fast. Also, when I knew I wanted a cheat day, I just did not take the pill for about 2 days. If you take them correctly they will work. Most people are not willing to cut out the necessary foods to prevent a lot of the side effects. They just want to eat whatever and wait for a miracle to happen. You also have to drink plenty of water to prevent the headaches which can be caused by dehydration due to many trips to the bathroom. Use your best judgement. Everything is not for everybody. Good Luck!
  • I used it in 2010 and I did lose weight. You do have to eat low fat or pay the consequence. I ate like I was supposed to and it didn't give the orange leakage at all. HOWEVER, I would not ever take it again. After three weeks of taking it, my stomach started to cramp horribly. One day I was well, the next day I was doubled over in horrendous agony. I thought my appendix was busting so I went to the hospital. It turns out that I had developed an infection in my colon. All that oil that was not leaving my body and not being absorbed by my body was building up in my intestines. I had a huge blockage. I had to stay in the hospital for 3 days. I don't know if it would affect everyone that way or if my case was unique. I would talk to the doctor before using it for sure if I were you.