Feels like a losing battle

Regardless of all my whining, I am going to continue the struggle because my head knows that giving up will only make things worse...

But I feel my anxiety rising every day, getting worse and worse. This makes me want to rely on comforting things, curling up on the couch watching one of my favorite movies and eating macaroni and cheese all day long.

I wish I had friends, especially who live near me, who are in a similar position to myself. Severely overweight and determined to do something about it but I just don't have that support system. My husband is amazing and is always by my side but I feel like I need a girlfriend to help push me.

I rely heavily on my MPF friends to help motivate me as seeing their achievements makes me want to work harder.

I sound like a cry baby. I guess everyone just needs to let it out once in a while.


  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    I am sorry you are struggling with this. It is wonderful that your hubby is supportive. Are there any local support groups you could join? ?
  • Hang in there and don't give up! I think we all have good weeks and bad weeks, but you are going to feel so great when you weigh in and see the numbers drop! You are going to feel more down if you give up - so just keep envisioning your goal and tell yourself that failure is not an option!
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    I am certainly in your neighborhood, numbers-wise. I have to do something about this, as sitting here whining and feeling sorry for myself for this self-made predicament will only prolong the agony. I am ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle, but also need the help of someone in my kind of numbers who can be supportive. My husband is extremely supportive as well, but I really need to meet someone who can help me push and who understands this battle a little closer to the heart. I sent a friend request.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    You are here and that is a leap in the right direction. We have all had those days and it will get easier. Instead of the couch, take a walk, take a bath, something. Log your food before you eat it to give you an idea of whether you want to change what you are about to eat, especially if it isn't going to fit into your total daily calories. Have a cup of tea, I have found a love for it. I even put sweet n low in it. Find activities/exercising you like to do. I use a plural on this because I enjoy having a variety of things I can pick from. Get lots of friends on here. Feel free to add me, we can all use friends on here. You are fortunate to have a wonderful supportive husband, so do I. He has made quite the transformation with me. Research and absorb good information. Find healthy new recipes....love skinnytaste.com Everything has tasted non-healthy!!! Great word!! lol
    Look for the little things happening i.e., clothes fitting different, easier to walk a little farther, etc. Have smaller goals to reach within the large goal you have set. Get rid of the crap food in your house and don't buy it again. It is only temptation that doesn't need to be there. There is so many good foods out there. Read labels and know what a serving size is.
    You can do this, your only other option is to not do it and be right back where you are next year. Why not end 2012 on a positive note!!!
    Let 2012 be the best year of your life, so far!
  • Staceyblewin
    Staceyblewin Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you so much everyone.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I totally understand!!! My hubby is totally supportive and I get the verbal praise from co-workers but no one I know is REALLY going through this journey. Lots of lip service but no real journeying!!!

    My "skinny" friends always talk about their need to lose weight but most of the time it's because they want verbal reassurance they are okay the way they are. And my bigger friends use a lot of justification that they are okay the way they are. My parents don't have healthy eating habits and when my mom wants to lose weight she uses a lot of fad diets....they are vegan but not in a healthy way (I'm not against vegans). My sister has always been taller and usually much thinner (though my hubby says that she gained lots of weight after she got married but I always saw her as the thin one).

    I use this site a lot for support. I feel supported by friends because they are encouraging but no one is actively going through this journey with me. We can do this together because you are part of my support system too!!!! Plus this is about ourselves and we are learning just how strong we are!!!