Which is more accurate?

Hi all

I have been playing with my kinect and just wondered which calorie counter would be more accurate? My HRM with chest strap or the game one. My HRM allows me to put in my age and weight.

Atm my resting heart rate is quite high (between 109 and 119) and when exercising it goes up to 180. Obviously the game can't see this!!

I worked out for 35 mins on the biggest loser game, and it reckons I only burt 156 calories...HOWEVER my HRM was double this! So which is accurate? I would like to point out that at times the kinect has issues picking up movements.

Thanks in advance


  • unrulygurl
    unrulygurl Posts: 103 Member
    The heart rate monitor is probably more accurate than the Kinect. What game are you playing? Some of them you have to enter your weight & it takes that into account. If it was me, I'd log the lower calories so I'd feel I have to work out more. :wink:
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    Just seems a huge difference. I am doing the biggest loser and your shape fitness evolved. Fitness evolved said I'd only burnt 30 calories in 30 mins, even though sweat was poring.

    I am also doing 30 day shred, and using my hrm for that too, so wanna keep it all consistant
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I am doing the Fitness Evolved and it says the same - like 60 calories in 60 minutes. Yet my HRM says like over 300 calories. The HRM would be way more accurate. I know doing any of those games burn more than 60 calories. I am pouring sweat when I get done with any of them, except maybe darts!
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    I am doing the Fitness Evolved and it says the same - like 60 calories in 60 minutes. Yet my HRM says like over 300 calories. The HRM would be way more accurate. I know doing any of those games burn more than 60 calories. I am pouring sweat when I get done with any of them, except maybe darts!

    I agree, I shall go with what my hrm says then :-)
  • birdinho
    birdinho Posts: 86 Member
    Go by your HRM, I use a timex and it is always higher than when i use kinect.

    The HRM wont take into account normal calories burnt during that time so say you burn 60 calories an hour anyway, do 60 mins workout and burn 660 calories, your accurate figure for excercise is 600 cals. If you get what i mean?!